A Gracewind Tale: Do You Copy?
6 years ago

A New Journey Begins

Hi Space Octopus Fans,

After taking a bit of a break, we had our first official meeting to start work on building Do You Copy into a full game.

We discussed where we want to take the story, shared some concept art that our artist had been working on, and talked about a timeline. To be fully transparent, we’re busy people. We each have a full time job in the game industry on top of working on our passion project here at Space Octopus. Never-the-less, we’re excited and committed. We’ve set realistic milestones for each other and we can’t wait to show you what we’re working on.

We hope you’ll stick around for the ride and help us shape Do You Copy into an experience like no other. Enjoy some of these early screenshots we took as we were developing the game during the Game Jam


Thank you again for all of your support. The only reason we are even attempting at making this a full game is because of all the great feedback we have gotten from all of you.

So until next month,

-Space Octopus Studios




Next up

An End of the Year Retrospective and the Future of Space Octopus

Sometimes nature takes a bit longer to tame than expected, but fear not, progress on trails in Gracewind Park are progressing.

Head on over to The Leed's Murder page to read about an update for the project.

The Leeds Murder! Coming Halloween 2022

A Teaser is finally here. The sequel to "Do You Copy?" is "The Leeds Murder"

Project Update: What is going on?

Head on over to The Leeds Murder Page to read an update on the project.

Head on over to The Leeds Murder page for an update on the project.

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What could possibly be in this Cabin? Guess we should go in soon. #LeedsMurder