Star Story
9 years ago

A note to Mac Users about the game

This notice only applies to Mac. For Windows users (or Linux users who are going to run the game in WINE), nothing will change, and you can basically ignore this notice
Mac Users using Lion (OS X 10.7) or later may not experience any change either, but users of older OS X versions need to be aware of this

Apple has introduced XCode 7 as their new standard SDK for Mac and iOS. The BlitzMax compiler has a new version now adapted to XCode 7 and very likely I will try to upgrade my entire project to the new situation tomorrow.

This gives up two noticable changes:

  • Tiger and Leopard will by then no longer be supported and be unable to run the game at all. Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) will then the be lowest OS X version able to run the game.

  • The Max2D module, which is basically the skeleton for all my BlitzMax games, including Star Story has had an update, as well, resulting into Snow Leopard being unable to run the game Full Screen. If the game is configured to run Full Screen, it will in stead run in Windowed Mode. Savegames configured for full screen saved in Snow Leopard will run full screen in later OS X versions, so no worries here. Lion (10.7) or later OS X versions will keep on supporting Full Screen without any problems at all.

The Mac Games I already finished here will for the time being be compatible with all OS X versions from Tiger and higher UNLESS I am required to recompile those games (for bug fixes or enhancements), then the new situation will apply there too, but it will be properly announced in the news section of those games if this happens (not a likely scenario at the present time).

Well, that all being said, I can say things are really on the move now. I hope I can get stuff done to prepare the demo release soon, but I got still a lot to do, so hang on ;)
I will soon do a monthly update.
If you can’t wait that long you may want to visit either



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