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This is the full body version of the main character, as you can see, he doesn't look like someone traumatized, unless you want it that way right?

note: he is a pixel art version of me, but he is not a self inserted character

#GameDev #PixelArt #indie #Dev

Play our game, Bloodless, and complete the Help Tomoe quest to unlock the Bloodless sticker pack!

Start the quest: http://gamejolt.com/#quest

Game Jolt has given out all of their free Steam keys!

so darn cute 馃槶馃ズ edit: i'm having lasagna for dinner by coincidence, lol

After a few days of development, I finally published Wesley's demo (It still lacks a few endings but it's playable)

I show you a pixel art of me (It does not appear in the game)

#indie #PixelArt #Art #Pixel #Wesley #visualnovel #other #GameDev #Dev #Game

Wesley is a kid you can chat with online, but all is not what it seems.

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#PixelArt #Art #Pixel #Sprite #Indie #Gamejolt #GameDev #Dev