Five Nights at Bonnie's 3 Remake

10 months ago

Added a redone running sound for the android port so the running sound should work now.



Next up

The minigame is nearly finished! Thanks to @thatdoggocalledray taking the time to finish up the AI for me, I can say the game is getting closer to the end.

Sorry for the lack of updates on this game, progress has slowed down but far from over.

Update 2.0 Released!


After so long, my 2 main mascots (the wolf is my secondary but one I hold close to) have full body references. You can use these to model or do fanarts over, these are considered final to me now.

Drawn by the talented: @GealachArts (commissioned)

*Gasp* Testing phase has begun.

I will admit I scrapped some stuff because I really don't wanna work on this anymore.

Once this testing phase is over, I'll probably change some stuff then release the game.

I don't think that's how balloons work

This is very memorable as bad as this image is, it brings back good times when I was constantly working on games.

Patch 2.0.3 PC + Android

We got more progress and we're getting close to finish up the game too!

@jnity Minigame 4.