6 years ago

Adventure Jam Results

The adventure jam results are out

Alluvium has won Developers’ Choice, as well being the Judges Pick from Jupiter Hadley!

We did great in the community voting too, getting 2nd place overall.

There’s some amazing other entries, so be sure to check out the full results here:

What’s next?

I’ve been busy with other things since finishing Alluvium (see our blog at, but I’m keen to do more adventure game stuff soon!

I’d love to do a 3rd installment of games in this style, so I’m thinking about story stuff for that, and I also want to have a crack at making a control scheme that works with point and click but also with controller. The plan is to have direct control over the direction the character looks with the analog stick. Holding a button will walk the character in that direction, and indicators will show when there’s an interaction you can perform.

Work in progress shots

For fun I thought I’d share a couple of work in progress shots of the game with my programmer art. I make the game fully playable in this style, and Barney uses it as a guide to the final art. Then it’s easy to swap the final art in as it’s completed.


I put little notes on a separate layer so it’s easier for Barney to work out what things mean.



All the best!



Next up

Realised I have a bunch of followers here I've been keeping in the dark! So here's a mini-update-

art comission.

Protege el conocimiento, salva la historia. Guardian of Lore es un platformer 2D en el que debes luchar para mantener viva la memoria de la mitología latinoamericana. El juego llegará a Steam el 18 de mayo: #ScreenshotSaturday

Some Shadow boss fight gameplay 👾

Explosive domino effect

Some time ago, we posted a screenshot of the Mexico level. A curiosity about it is that, like some other scenarios of the game, it was inspired by a real landscape, The Basaltic Prisms of Santa María Regla. It is one of the natural wonders of the country!

Out of boredom and curiosity, I coded Sailor Jupiter's Argentine Backbreaker.

Only true badasses may pass! #conceptart #art #gamedesign

A sneak peek at the new OST, can you guess what this song will be used for? 🤔

Development of my game Juno. This is the rune equipment system.

Usually update over on twitter: