PRISM Engine
5 months ago

After 4 days of absence, I have finally tackled the most important parts of Numba (JIT/NJIT) Optimization. Immensely boosting the performance !

#game #fps #engine #arcade #retro #90s #shooter #action

I am going to also work on optimizing many of my sorting and input handling code, as well as better data architecture.

The Editor Interface will also be updated, as soon as I worked on proper "NPC" instancing through the map loader.

One could call it the first period of reformation of the code, which was urgently needed!

Thanks to all taking their time and stopping by, it means a lot.
For clarification, this project is going to be for my finals this year, so wish me luck !



Next up

Added so-called Billboard support, similar to wall rendering, yet the line segment turns towards the player position constantly. Extending this method I could add semi-transparent walls, but that's for tomorrow, as well as cleaning up the code. Felix

Running at 60 FPS, cry harder Python denouncers. Implemented all of the DOOM I and II visual rendering features, only feature missing to call it the Build Engine is Slope Rendering, hence this is the next and final step towards replicating Build.

After implementing Non-Euclidity, I implemented a wall collision-system. Now I can finally work on actual teleportation. After this I'll work on slopes (finally). There are still problems with fill (drawing) rules. Anyways thanks for watching, Felix

PRISM Engine This is the first look at the current rendering capabilities. Please note that this is not Numba (JIT) optimized, the final engine will definitely run faster. Felix

#action #game #engine #rpg #game #shooter #fps #wip

Sorry for not updating, I've been working on the code documentation i.e., my pre-scientific research paper on this very topic. The video uploaded uses music I do not own, the music used is „Northern Lights“ by Paul Hardcastle. Thanks until next time...

Teleportation is finally implemented, and I fixed the previously anticipated bug/problem of the drawing rules. The only aspect missing truly are the slopes, nonetheless I do not know how to implement them. Hence I'll update the UI for now, Felix

art comission.

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

🍒Did you like the game? A demo is available for free on Steam.

✌️ Thanks for playing IndieGameiacs!

⚙️ Free Demo: http://bit.ly/UniDuni

📺 Full Video: https://youtu.be/5qEbVXg7GaQ

#steam #uniduni #clops #screenshotsaturday

Finished a project I've been working on over the last few days!

Modeled and textured in Blender.

#3dart #lowpoly #npbr #fantasy #hut