21 days ago

After a good while of waiting I am finally safe to show this render featuring me and @Fredinator 's Fredbear models!



Next up

#GJAsks My favorite console?

The Nintendo Switch

Battlefront 2 will always and forever be my favorite Star Wars game #StarWarsGame

This Comes From Inside.

#MinecraftBuild Probably two of my favorite things I have built in my survival world and the second one isn't even finished yet

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

Damn, they really just said "y'know what nah, you're on your own bro"

#GJAsks Doom Slayer is my favorite gaming mascot, I love this mf

Announcements!! Game engines, independence, and Virtual Reality

I don't think that's how balloons work