Those Nights at Jax Justun's 2: Invader Zim Strikes Again!

4 days ago

Afternoon everybody!!! Today's June 23rd, 2024, and it appears that Jax Justun Studios has done it again!!!! We're showing off once again past #ParodyCameoCharacters that we'd talked about from the past months here in 2024!!!!

And wait a minute here??? Did we skip a couple??? Nah!!! it doesn't matter!!!! Anyways, looks like have our #8thParodyCameoCharacter of Jax Justun Studios from Series Three of 2020!!!!! It's none other then "Alastor" from the original pilot and the official Amazon Prime Series known as Hazbin Hotel!!!!! Originally known as named as just "Mr. Radio Demon" originally from his early development phases back from Early October of 2020 from Jax Justun Studios, he was one of the second to first Vivziepop official characters that I'd ever imagined since FOREVER!!!!

The reason why he was chosen for a reason because was a perfect fit to become the next future and most popular villain among the entire Parody Saga of Jax Justun Studios!!!! Since then, his character and personalities had changed a lot in development!!!! He's now married to his parody wife known as Duchess Swan, and he had become more and more stronger since his official debut inside of the official Amazon Prime Series of Hazbin Hotel!!! I said that backwards, I know!!!!

This guy was arguably one of the choices that I'd ever done in a long time for this entire parody-like series and everything folks!!! I can't wait to tell you guys more about this crazy radio demon-like creature and the other Vivziepop characters that chosen to be part of the Jax Justun Studios universe as well too!!! Just stay tuned for some more future updates!!!! #LoveYouGuys!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #ThisWillBeFunHeHeeHaaaHAAAAA!!!!!!!!

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2020 parody Characters #20 & #21 - The Glruopp Tropp Brothers (Both Created on: February 12th, 2024) Sorry for the late post again folks!!!! I've been sleeping late and late again and everything!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #16 & #17 (For Niles & SMG0 "Zero") - Both Created on: June 24th, 2024 Afternoon everybody!!!!! Didn't all expect that I'd made something for today huh??? Well I did alright!!! TWO to be exact here!!!!! #YepTwo!!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #14 (For Mr. Getlalickingrish) - Created on: June 18th, 2024 See you guys, I'd told you guys I'll still be promising some more future updates!!!!

Sugar the Cat

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #10 - (Created on: June 23rd, 2024) Good Morning everybody!!!! I told you guys I'll be making yet another #HHSparodyCharacter #CartoonPoster!!!!! And today's June 23rd, 2024, and it's a special one at that!!!!!

Witness the beginning.

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Official Trailer will premiere at the Vortex Charity Stream!

Afternoon folks!!! See!!!! I told you all that I'll never EVER forget about you guys!!!! I promised you all yet another future update and everything!!!! And of course, it's a special one!!!!

2020 Parody Character #19 - Mr. Shadowface (Created on: February 13th, 2024) Fellow fans of FNAF, SCP, Superhero Movies and TV Shows, and many other Horror Game places, we have given you guys yet another Legacy Parody Character of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!!

The Lost In Isolation Game Jam has officially started!

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2024 Recalled HHS Parody Character #6 - Zeathe "Zhetth" (Created on: June 20th, 2024) After days of waiting, the #6th and highly anticipated #RecalledHHSPC's finally here!!!! In all of his beloved and sexy glory-ness of course!!!!!