Alex & Friends' Quest Remastered

5 years ago

Alexoor's Lair Completed + Next Steps

Hey guys! It took me a while, but the final stage, Alexoor's Lair, has finally been completed!

This one was a little more painful to make than the previous stages as well as the final stage from the original game. The boss battles were probably a bit tough and time consuming to make, but hey, at least it's done.

Now, I'm going to talk about what's next for the game. If you haven't played or beaten the original game, I might spoil something for all of you so... yeeeeeeaaaah... Basically, in the original, if you beat the final stage on Very Hard mode, you will unlock a final battle stage against Dr. Aleinstein, and you must defeat him. That will also happen in this Remastered, but I won't be sharing any screenshots from that. In fact, I won't be sharing any screenshots from the game at all anymore. I might still share some more behind the scenes stuff, but only for minor things, and I will still make some more devlogs just to let you know about how the development is going, so hang tight.

Next, after I finish the final battle, I will add a couple secrets to the game that can only be accessed if you have every single character unlocked, including the newly added secret ones. Not going to say what it is, and I'm not going to spoil it for you, just wait and see.

Anyway, that's all I have for now. Stay tuned for more updates and more possible behind the scenes, and I'll see ya next time!




Next up

Update 8

Kingdom of Time completed!

Finally gave Blender a shot, and hey, not bad for my first model being made there lol

The robot's name is Jet btw

Monkey Isle completed!

PC v1.0.5 and Android v1.0.2 details

I've only just discovered this Chipper and Sons community here on Game Jolt, but I wanted to share this. It is an updated DELUXE edition of the game that I made a few weeks ago. Check it out if interested!

Update 7

Well would you look at this? I took the liberty of decompiling, update, and re-build Chipper and Sons Lumber Co. and made it into a Deluxe edition! Go check it out!

#fnaf #fanmod #fangame

I've been working on a Halloween game this entire month for a TDC game jam. Check it out if interested!

* Poster created by @ThePurplePumpkin *

I might be a little late on this, but never too late to jump onto the public domain bandwagon. lol

Drawn in Aseprite.