Alex & Friends' Quest Remastered

5 years ago

Kingdom of Time completed!

Hey guys! Well lookie here, the Kingdom of Time stage has finally been completed and now it's time to work on the next one, Perfect Base.

This remastered overall is looking great and I am really liking how it's turning out, better than the original, that's for sure...

But anyway, I'll keep in touch with you guys once I finish the next stage. Stay awesome!

EDIT: Screenshot has been changed!




Next up

Finally gave Blender a shot, and hey, not bad for my first model being made there lol

The robot's name is Jet btw

I might be a little late on this, but never too late to jump onto the public domain bandwagon. lol

Drawn in Aseprite.

I've been working on a Halloween game this entire month for a TDC game jam. Check it out if interested!

* Poster created by @ThePurplePumpkin *

I finally decided to put my Halloween game of 2023 on the site. Enjoy!!!

Hedgehog Land completed!

Game coming next year! (Obviously)

Game has been released!

Alexoor's Lair Completed + Next Steps

Update 8

Plumber's World completed!