Alex & Friends' Quest Remastered

5 years ago

Plumber's World completed!

Hey guys! It took me a while, but the Plumber's World stage has been completed! I've posted a screenshot of it.

The reason why it took so long is because I've just started school about two weeks ago, and I've been focusing on that since. I've even been using my school break hours to work on the game so that I won't stay behind and take forever on making the game, but I'm also trying not to rush it. The original was half rushed and I don't want that to happen again. All I want to do is fix my mistakes and make the game as fun as possible.

Also, I'd like to thank TheComicalMelon for giving me feedback based on the previous screenshots for Kingdom of Time and Perfect Base. He commented that the backgrounds blended with the foreground graphics and made it tough to tell what's an obstacle and what's part of the background. So with that being said, I was able to darken the backgrounds up a bit so that they don't blend anymore, and I took the time to change the screenshots. Thanks for the feedback, man!

That's all I have for now, stay tuned for more updates and I'll see ya next time!




Next up

Update log #10

Alexoor's Lair Completed + Next Steps

Update 7

Game coming next year! (Obviously)

I've only just discovered this Chipper and Sons community here on Game Jolt, but I wanted to share this. It is an updated DELUXE edition of the game that I made a few weeks ago. Check it out if interested!

Perfect Base completed!

I've been working on a Halloween game this entire month for a TDC game jam. Check it out if interested!

* Poster created by @ThePurplePumpkin *

Release date confirmed!

I finally decided to put my Halloween game of 2023 on the site. Enjoy!!!

Finally gave Blender a shot, and hey, not bad for my first model being made there lol

The robot's name is Jet btw