Zenand Garden: Factory Fresh
2 years ago

All 4 Zenand are in!

This'll likely be the last thing I do tonight, cause it's currently 2AM.

Anyways, you read the title correctly, all 4 types of Zenand are in the game! They're not finished, but in order to implement hazards, I had to have multiple Zenand types to make testing easier.

Luckily, they all use the same code, meaning there's no real downside to having them all in the game now, since the rest of the features I need to add before they're 100% finished, will just be some minor things.

Anyways, that's not the only thing I did today, alongside some bug fixes, and adding in material collection, I also got irritated.

"What did you get irritated about?" you wonder, well quite simply, I don't like needing to wear headphones just so I can hear when a Zenand is selected. Plus, if there's multiple Zenand in the same area, I don't know which ones are selected!

This led me to thinking of adding some way to tell if a Zenand has been selected or not, and low and behold, it occurred to me that none of the Zenand have bulbs on the top of their heads, despite the icon for the game featuring a Zenand with a light on it's head.

Literally every drawing of a Zenand I've made features a light on its head, except the in game sprites!
But this gave me an opportunity to fix 2 wrong in one go! Simply create a light sprite for the Zenand, and make it turn on when they're selected.

I'll get back to the light later, but since I've now mentioned all that, here is a screenshot of all 4 types of Zenand with their Factories, and the player with the Scrap Heap (AKA the Material Stack)


From right to left:

  • Basic Zenand

    • A standard model Zenand. It's nothing special, but it's nothing bad either

  • Hell-Forged Zenand

    • Said to be forged from the depths of hell, its exterior is so strong, it can walk through lava without a second thought!

    • However, due to its weight, this Zenand is noticeably slower.

  • Aquatic Zenand

    • Thanks to it's lightweight housing, and waxy coating, it can survive in water, and even most acids! It's also considerably faster on land, thanks to it's decreased weight.

    • Unfortunately, it's weight comes at a cost, and it isn't as durable as the other models of Zenand.

  • Stunning Zenand

    • It's interior is coated with insulating material, allowing it to withstands extreme voltage!

Side note: The Stunning Zenand was created entirely tonight, cause I forgot to create it with the other 3 Zenand, hence why it's as simple as the Basic Zenand.

Anyways, as you can see, each Zenand has it's own light atop it's head. The Basic Zenand was simply based on art I've made in the past.
The Hell-Forged Zenands light is red, cause its eyes were red, and I also really like how menacing it looks!

The Aquatic Zenands light is based off of an Angler fish, due to it's aquatic nature.

The Stunning Zenands light, is just the basic light. I plan on changing this in the future, when it isn't 2:15AM XD

Anyways, that's all for tonight. I'll go more in depth on the design of the Zenand tomorrow, but for now, I'm gonna go to bed. Night y'all!



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