Welcome to Gabe's: Classic Remastered (ON HOLD)
5 months ago

All "Tubbybot" Jumpscares in the WTG Franchise. [+ Fangames] (As of Now.)

Just wanted to count every tubby with they're jumpscares. There will be more added in the future, and maybe I'll update the Dump once that happens but will upload it to YouTube instead. I also just wanted to show what all came before Classic Remastered, sort of a "How we got here" relapse.



Next up

2nd Teaser...

The Scorched Farter. (Scorched Farter)

We're back in business.

Emma model I made in blender... Would y'all play a 3D Emma's game?

A New Archive is Out...

TLO: TEOD Q&A! (Ended)

That's a lot of new friends to unlock.. :)

Happy Holidays!

yeah. I only have 13 good friends on here sadly