The Lost Ones: The End of Disney

2 days ago

TLO: TEOD Q&A! (Ended)

Surprise! It's a TLO TEOD Q&A! I've decided to do this Q&A as I wonder what questions y'all have about the game so far. This Q&A was entirely made by me only but a few other team member might join in if they're interested.

I'll try to answer each question to the best of my ability and without much spoilers. I cannot give much info about the game so far so if I can't answer a certain question I'll leave this: U.Q.

If we can reach around 20 questions in total (From different people) I'll update this post to contain a sneak peak of a small part of the gameplay of the most current build as a reward. Won't be anything huge though.


-=Q&A Rules=-

  • Some questions may be unanswered. Sorry if yours doesn't get answered

  • Keep things on topic.

  • 1 question per comment.

  • Be respectful.

  • No whining.

  • Don't use ALT accounts to try to reach question goal.

  • Don't comment once the hourglass is up.

  • You only get to ask 5 questions.

Alright I think this is a fun little challenge for y'all to complete. As for me I'll have a blast answering the questions you'll ask. Welp let the writing commence! - @Morilix07 3/1/2025 3:15 PM.



Next up

Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day.

@deviousdylan is still out there! Beware!

She just wants to sniff your hand!


Wez workin hard on the game. Please shut the fuck up.


The smiling one.

I don't know if I ever shown this, but this was the original design idea for Hourglass. It was so rough that it was nearly 2 megabytes and causes a lot of lag.

''Could someone be at my window?''

TF2 is officially gonna live forever just like DOOM and Quake.