Five Nights at Coso 2 - Remake
5 years ago

Alright, here's the recap of the full version:

  • Added all the other nights, extras, and custom nights.

  • Added the other animatronics

  • Advanced Coso, Cosa and Cosonet have got an AI update, making the game not "RNG" based anymore

  • Added easter eggs hehe

  • Added the secret character

  • Other stuff I don't remember lol

If you've found something unusual please tell me now, or you'll have to wait till next week :|



Next up

Happy 3rd Birthday Five Nights at Coso 2!

Although not being one of the best game I've made in my opinion, I have so many fond memories from when I was working on it.

I'm so thankful to y'all for liking this and the series as a whole, thank you so much <3

Repainted in Gold's gamepage update is HERE!

This song right here made me like Security Breach, I can't even explain how it's just so good.

I have an idea for an amazing teaser but the game has priority over it. So you'll receive it later on gamers.

For now, here, take this Springsuit's placeholder image

I literally couldn't let the game out without this masterpiece as an easter egg.

I just realized that the old FNaCoso 2 was published on August 16 2019, I really hope that this game will be released on the same day of it's publication, that would be just awesome! XD

Me and my girl are celebrating our 2nd valentine's day together!!!

I officially invite Powerplex to beta test Repainted in Gold.

I'm currently remaking the poses on the extra menu, and I REALLY love the new Cosonet pose!

Here's a before & after ;)

Goodbie JOLLY 4 my last fanart for you <3