1 year ago

Alright, so I'm aware as I type this, some are definetely going to have a tough time accepting this and aren't going to like this, so I'm going to rip off the bandage right away.

Once this special update of Sonic 1 Prototype is out, all fan projects and videos are being put on hold, indefinitely.

So yeah, this means Subcon.FDS' full version, The Shapeshifting Horror's Second Demo, both of them. Aswell as my video content.

And you may be saying "Oh, but you said already that was going to be happening with SUBCON.FDS already right"? Well what I mean in this case is, it's possible, and infact I'd even say very likely, they aren't going to be happening at all.

And you may be wondering why this is. Well, I'm twenty one years old at this point, I'm at an age where finding ways to make money takes priority over free passion projects (which these would be were I to make them).

And so, with how long they would have taken to make, along with them honestly not getting the most attention ngl (other than sonic 1 prototype) making them at this point is impractical in my case.

There's a SLIM chance they could someday happen once I get to a point where I'm less busy, but tbh, don't count on it.

I'm sorry that this going to be happening, but don't worry, this doesn't mean in any way games from me are going to stop coming out, far from that in fact. I'd even say that they're just getting starting tbh.

So, with that being the case, you can think of this upcoming special update as a turning point of what's to come in the future going forward after this, hope to see you all there once I begin this new chapter of game creation!



Next up

Never thought I'd see the day...

As promised, It's been awhile since I've shared on this game, I've got a lot to show off, here's a video. And more below.

So...unfortunately given that IRL things got in the way and in general having to do more than expected, SUBCON.FDS' full version will NOT be making it to EXEChallenge3. That is unless something crazy happens (i.e deadline extension). But otherwise...yeah.

You know Sonic the hedgehog? 😀


#sonicthehedgehog #sega #sonic #sonicfanart

Keep going

Sonic Heroes Movie Version!

I skipped on the demo this time, the game is here, in full. Enjoy!

No context.

It's December! Almost Winter Season and decorating your friends like a Christmas tree!