These Nights at Jax Justun's: Let The Rage Begin!!!
9 months ago

Alright you guys!! As what you all see there, I had added in the second part of the characters for the 1st TNatJJ's game!!!

It's named/labeled as (Chapter Two: Keep the Clouds Going)!! I know, it's not the BEST name yet for a chapter, but it was worth it I guess. Anyways, as what I had did from this past post right here >>>, I had talked about all of the informations about how every single character works, how they progress overtime, what mechanics are supposed to be used to beat them, and many more.

And yeah sure, it hasn't age all that great, but as of right now, this post will be talking about the characters for chapter two of this game. This one might be more better so, stay tuned also for a remastered version of that post. Anyways, here's all the informations about all of the characters for chapter two!! First off though, this character named Gred Cicwoid, will be the new phone caller for these newer nights. Anyways, here's it is.


Night #9 info:

Character(s) Active: Happy the Flying Unicorn and Vicctoria the Purple Terrana-Bird

Unlike Night One, Night Nine's is just like always. Easy peasey, lemon SQUEEZY!! However, the generator's gone and now it's inside where Flamzer's area is in. Anyways, speaking of which, the generator room behind you is now a hiding room. You can use it for hiding from the monsters from the past eight nights.

There's also a new mechanics, such as a roofing shield, and some other tweaks as well from the past 8 nights. But more on that later. Anyways, speaking of characters, the TWO NEW characters that you'll be dealing with for night nine are "Happy" and "Vicctoria the Purple Terrana-Bird". You might not had heard about Vicctoria which HE is a Purple Pteranodon.

But for Happy, I guess you seen HIM before right? Well, I'm ain't the BEST expert on non-marvel/DC comics. But Happy was from a SYFY series called HAPPY!!! Yeah, anyways, going off topic here. Anyways, both Happy and Vicctoria or just "Vic" for short will start beginning to make their ways towards your office from going through the right, left and middle windows located on the right side of your office. Or is it the LEFT side? I don't know. Anyways, if you see them, make sure to close the window doors immediately. However, the doors from those windows might break overtime.

If that would be case, try to hide inside of the back hiding room located in back of your office. The doors from those three windows might take 13 or less than 10 seconds to regenerate themselves. So make sure to not lose track of the time.


Night #10 info:

Character(s) Active: Classmo & Anti-Clawsmo

Night TEN can be a walk in the park right? Well, you're WRONG!! Night ten brings you changes from the power-ups that you had used from the past 8 nights, the Camera Pad-9000 has a new upgrade toggling system, and new cameras had been added from an interesting mall that you all had seen before here on Honolulu. And yes, did I forget to mention about TWO NEW characters joining this raging fight?

Anyways, first off the new mechanics, changes of power-ups and more.

Power-Up #1 The Invisible Mushrooms: Much like the ones from FNaW's: Origins, these power-ups can help you become invisible and it's temperately. It can only last for only 15 or 10 seconds for each invisible mushroom. And you can only hold up to 5 or 7 per box. Speaking of which, in the hiding room in back of your office is where you'll see the box of invisible mushrooms and a sink. As for the box, it's self-explanatory. Gives you a pack of 5 or 7 mushrooms and it'll regain more after 7 or 5 long seconds are up. As for the sink, if your mushrooms are rotten. Make sure to leave the mushrooms in the sink before they all cleaned again. It takes only 10 secs so, yeah.

Power-Up #2 The Beloved Flashlight: So, we all know how this thing works right? Well simple, shine where the monsters are and end of story. However, the flashlight only works on certain monsters during the nights, so be prepared for some action okay?

Power-Up #3 The Camera Pad-9000: Not only it has been upgraded to look more bigger, but it also has "toggle options" so it you can toggle each location of the island more better. Like "Toggle District Park", "Toggle Vents", "Toggle Underground Systems", and "Toggle Mall". There's also more new features for the camera pad, but those will be for the next and following chapters.

Power-Up #4 The Reset-A-Ball of Wisdom: Well, this power-up will be a secret for next time. So, be prepare for some updates on that one.

Anyways, as for the two new characters, they are Classmo & Anti-Clawsmo. Not to be confused by the actual Cossmo from the Fairly Oddparents show, these parody-like speaker creatures are located in different locations around the area. Anti-Clawsmo is located at the mall, and Classmo is located in the old janitor closet. How they both move is like this. For Anti-Clawsmo, he'll start to rush on-towards you at your office. To avoid him, make sure to hide in the back hiding room. And for Classmo, he'll be appear in the right of left closets. Make sure to flash the light on him multiple times to make him move back to the janitor closet. If not, yeah. You're dead.


Night #11 info:

Character(s) Active: Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto

So, night 11's just simple to explain about all out loud. No new features are for this night. But just two new characters. Both Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto are here to rage and fight. You may had also seen them from the remastered versions of Spyro ONE and TWO!! I was going to add more Spyro villains from the roster. But they'll be appearing in the later TNatJJ's games.

Anyways, as for both Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto, they're located at the mall as well. And they both act the same way like the other characters do from the past eight nights. Nights ten and nine included. So just shine the light towards them or hide in the hiding back room from avoiding these bad dragon fees.


Night #12 info:

Character(s) Active: Mr. Sirenhead and Juda Jeuda

THE DOZEN LOAF OF BREAD is here!! Night 12!! And honestly, I can't believe I'm saying this, but this night also introduces to TWO new characters as well!! And new mechanic included!!

Fear your eyes on the "Roofing Sheild"!! Yes, the word "Shield" is spelled wrong, just deal with it people!! Anyways, new feature for your office is from protecting you from not only the characters they you're facing off, but also the new ones as well. They are Evil Cloud Keepers and their names are Juda Jeuda and Mr. Sirenhead!! I don't much about Juda Jeuda, but as for Mr. Sirenhead, you might had seen him before from newer creepypastas right? Well, these two giant freaks can only appear in the skies.

So, if you see them come towards your office, make sure to close off the Roofing Sheild and use it to defend yourselves from those evil cloud duos!! As for what they're called as "Evil Cloud Keepers", that part just needs to wait for another day.


Night #13 info:

Character(s) Active: Mr. BFC (Big FUNKEY/FREAKING Chicken), Redhot Fire The Dark Red Fire Dragon, Mr. Sir Soupkapuss, and The Suit-it-Up Pink-Purple Dragon (AKA: Aeddin)

So night thirteen has FOUR new characters in the roster and they're also Evil Cloud Keepers too!! All but only ONE!! Their names are Mr. BFC (Big FUNKEY/FREAKING Chicken), Redhot Fire The Dark Red Fire Dragon, Mr. Sir Soupkapuss, and Aeddin!!!

First off, Aeddin, he doesn't really do all that much, all he does is just wander around in certain areas of the island, and that's it. So yeah, he's like the ONLY character that doesn't really do anything all that special. But as for the other three, it's a long story. Luckily though, all of these characters do the same thing like Mr. Sirenhead and Juda Jeuda had did. But, they'll also appear from a cloud circle. It's like a portal from the sky to your office. So, make sure to prepared for that.


Night #14 info:

Anyways, as for the 14th night for this second chapter, not much would be said about new things fo what not. All I can say is that Gred Cicwoid had just found out that none of the new animatronics aren't acting right and also being rude In Front of everyone!!

However though, new toggle options for your Camera Pad-9000 had been added. Not much is said about those locations. But that'll need to be for another story to tell for Chapter Three!!


Night #15 info:

As for the final night for this second chapter, night 15 isn't all that much, but with more agressive-ness towards the monsters!! Make sure to try not to screw anything up during this night.

Because at the end of this night things will be different for another change!!


Well there you have it folks, all the informations for Nights 9 - 15. Sorry I haven't been doing these kinds of posts for awhile, and I guess you all know what I had talked about from the last post of yesterday!! Anyways, yes, for chapter three, more new mechanics, characters, and other things will be added into this game as well. Such as a 3D platforming styles, missions, shops, and many more to come.

As of right now, stay tuned for more updates because all of these future games would be changing overtime as time progresses throughout the years. Anyways, stay frosty you guys!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!! #ChapterThreeIsGoingtobeWILD!!!!!



Next up

Haxx Hustun Studios Boxart #7 (Dark Squid) - Created on: April 2nd, 2024 Morning you guys!!!! Today's June 11th, 2024, and today HT Band Entertainment has given us the #7thHHSboxart from their beloved & positive #7thHTbandMember!!!!!

Haxx Hustun Studios Boxart #5 (Soxx Heiste) - Created on March 31st, 2024 "Easter Day!!!" Good afternoon everybody!!!! Today's June 10th, 2024, and today on this summer fun-ness, we have yet another #HHSboxart to show you all!!!!

Well guys, look who's FINALLY here at long last!!!!! From the original comics and original TV Show that's now and still watchable on Netflix, I give you the #68thParodyCameoCharacter of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!


Check out the @JoeyDrewStudios SHOP and treat yo self to Bendy and the Ink Machine sticker pack, avatar frames and background!

Haxx Hustun Studios #2ndAndOfficial Logo - (Created on: June 15th, 2024) Afternoon everybody!!!!! After hours and hours of designing and modeling, the time has finally come towards today here on June 15th, 2024, and just in time indeed!!!!!

We just added animated, amphibious collectables by @ErbMaster to the Shop!

Plus, they're joined by our animated Horror and Malibu packs!

Pick them up in the Shop or check the article to learn more. 🔽

Morning/Afternoon folks, it's me again!!! Didn't exspect yet another post from me today here on May 13th, 2024?!?!?!!! Well, here it is!!!! To all fans of Cuphead, FNAF, Spyro The Dragon, and so much more, I guve you guys this right here!!!! #YEEHAW!!!!!!

Napature Science Parody Steam Page #1 (Episode 21) - Created on: May 16th, 2024 Well folks, after months of waiting, we finally the official Parody Steam Page/Boxart for the #21stEpisode of this parody mascot-like horror game!!!!!!


Juda Jeuda's Head (Created on: May 28th, 2024) Afternoon everyone!!!! I have something very special for today here on May 28th, 2024, and it's something that I haven't been doing for quite awhile now!!!!