Hi, my name is Caleb Zepeda, I have loved computers and video games since I was little. I started making games in 2009-2010 when I was 13 years old! Not bragging, please, I wish I started earlier. Believe it or not some people do. I don’t let that bum me out though because I still feel like I started relatively early enough I just haven’t done enough to show for it xD Well, enough about me! I want to know about you guys! Leave me a comment telling me who you are, and about your selves, and what you guys and gals think about my silly games.
So to be honest I have been very reluctant to sign up for GJ and upload my games here because they always came off “up-tight” to me. However I love their system and they have been doing it for a while and they have been doing it right! I upload my games everywhere that I like (except for Newgrounds, I like them, but that’s another story) such as:
IndieDB which is better for showing off WIP projects,
Itch.io which I recently joined and I like their analytics and especially their developer profiles, and originally
Kongregate … I don’t know why or how it started, it was back in 2011 and I was looking for a place to upload Unity3d Web Player games and they also gave me ad revenue which I didn’t even know at first. I learned from Kongregate that their “Exclusivity Bonus” is only really worth it if the game is sure to bring in tons of views. Right now I’m just another indie and my main concern is getting people to play my games rather than making a few cents in ad revenue. So I started broadening my horizons by uploading to other places beside Kongregate and it only took me 5 years to realize I needed that.
I also have been making Facebook pages for my games and I even have a Tumblr for dev-logs, go ahead an check it out! I make a new post once a month re-capping everything I have done last month so you won’t feel spammed and you get something to look forward to every first of the month, besides your paycheck.