Deltarune: An Assistant's Pleasure

4 months ago

An Introduction & The Release

So, this is a small project I was creating because it's pretty much the only chapter-3 related thing I can create, and it's obvious that it's the Mike battle.

My take of Mike is that after Spamton was "corrupted" (by Tenna), Mike chose to work for Tenna as to make sure he could be safe. Mike holds the green-soul power and is the secret boss, while Tenna is the main boss.

And now, in just 1 day, it's already out! I added sprite changes to many of the green soul mechanics, to seem more like... Chapter 3!



Next up

Progress Report - December 2024

We've Updated the Soundcloud! All new versions of the tracks have been replaced, as well as some new ones!… Check it out!

Dev-Log today everybody.

By the way, at the moment, we're almost finished with Demo 1. If ANYBODY, and I mean ANYBODY, can make trailers like Undertale's ( then PLEASE, join our team.

Thanks, -Mason.

noelle joined

FINALLY, after a long time, we've updated the SoundCloud! To tune in to your favorite songs, they're sorted with the link below.…

Undertale, but nothing's wrong.

Progress Slowed - Mid-January 2025

November 2024 Development Log // Yellow Shine & Sparks

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

Announcing UT Yellow: Shine & Sparks! A remaster mod to Undertale Yellow!