Dark Fracture

3 years ago

An update on our creative process, direction, and progress towards the Early Access release of Dark Fracture!

TL;DR version:
Thank you for your support, you're awesome and we love you.
New Dark Fracture: Prologue update with Steam achievements!
Some technical issues
Vote for us in the GDWC finals!
We work hard, dude, more updates soon.

Hello everyone! We would like to update you on some of our progress, a short retrospective about the year that's been, as well as a peek into what's to come and our plans for the future.

But first and foremost, we wanted to start things off with a thank you, thank you for all of the support you've shown us! Thank you to all of you who have spread the word, added us to your wishlists and of course, to all of you who have pre-purchased Dark Fracture! It's thanks to all of you that 2020 was such a blessed year for us!

Despite all that happened over this past year, your support has helped us through the lows and made the highs that much more impactful! We are deeply thankful to each and every one of you who supported us along the way. We've seen quite a lot of progress over the past year and your support made all the ungodly hours we've put into development worth it. And so, we are entering 2021 more eager than ever to carry on our work!

With your support and enthusiasm, we have been able to press on through the most difficult of times as we bring you all a brand new prologue update! Achievements are finally coming to Dark Fracture, and while the full game is still a while off, you can already play the prologue and get some achievements!

We have also taken the time to re-record and polish the voice acting you've experienced so far in Dark Fracture, so if you haven't played in a while, do give the prologue another shot! Take in the new voiced lines and hunt those achievements!
Please note that due to some technical difficulties we’ve experienced with our leading work machine during crucial development moments, one achievement is bugged (you will receive it automatically) and we cannot fix it until we resolve the technical issues, we expect the issue to be resolved within a week or two, and once it’s resolved we will post a full list of changes and updates of the new prologue version. Sadly, the issue also means Dark Fracture early access release will get delayed a bit further, but we can assure you we are doing everything we can to bring the game to early access as soon as we can!

If you want to support us as well, you can still pre-order Dark Fracture over on GameJolt! But don't wait too long, because this is a limited time offer. Even supporting us by adding the game to your wishlist on Steam is quite helpful for us and we genuinely appreciate it! 

Next, as you might recall we have taken part in the 2020 Game Development World Championship Fan Favorites, and thanks to all of you, we have won first place in the weekly vote! But with 2020 behind us, the finals are already here! The voting will last for two weeks and we would be grateful to everyone who takes the time to cast a vote, so if you want to help Dark Fracture, be sure to check out the GDWC and vote for Dark Fracture!

And with all of that out of the way, you might be wondering what's next? As part of our unending work to bring the full experience of Dark Fracture to life and to make it accessible to as many people as possible, we have been working behind the scenes on localizing Dark Fracture and the prologue to several languages so that more people could enjoy the horrors.

And of course, there's more content from the upcoming Early Access to reveal, new and exciting sights that you would all soon get to experience and much more, so stay tuned for more updates from us! 

As mentioned in the update above, there has been a lot of progress made during the development of the full game and upcoming early access. And so, we wanted to tease just a fraction of what’s to come and show off a few brand new assets from the "other world" for you to feast your eyes on!



Next up

Dark Fracture is back from silence with a new trailer!

Extremely excited to be a part of The MIX 10th Anniversary showcase, this Tuesday!

Check out awesome games and a new Dark Fracture trailer reveal during the event!…

We're interrupting your daily scrolling to bring you the disturbing footage recovered from the local "body farm" research facility.

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game? A song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

Discover what has been going on behind the scenes of the Dark Fracture development over the past month!

🕹️ Enter The Highrise Game Jam Before It Ends On May 5! 🕹️

Learn the rules here:

Learn how to make a world on Highrise (which you MUST do to enter the jam) here:…

The jam has cash prizes! 💸💸💸

Development Blog 12 - "The Underworld".

A deep-dive into the most ethereal landscapes of Dark Fracture!

Discover what has been going on behind the scenes of the Dark Fracture development over the past month.

Development Blog n.13 - Festivities and bugs. No, BUGS! Get up close and personal with our new insect friend.

Highrise Game Jam Reminder: In order to enter to win the Jam, your game must be created in Unity and submitted using the Highrise Studio Hub.

Learn all the deets about the jam at

Did you miss the new Dark Fracture trailer at Feardemic Fear Fest? We got you covered, watch it here or at the link below!