A Nightmare at Chuck E Cheese's
18 days ago

ANACEC Mega Devlog #5

Hi everyone. Sorry it's been a while since I last updated you on how the game's been going.

To tell you the truth, it's because I've been caught up working on other projects.

Don't worry though, in just the past couple of days I've gotten a disturbing amount of content done, which is what this devlog is about.

So, without further excuses, here's the office, in all of it's fully-functional glory.

To get the somewhat boring bit out of the way, your view of the office is determined by the x position of your mouse, meaning any amoutn of mouse movement will scroll the office in some way.

I'm not sure if anyone cares about that kind of thing, but I figured it was something I should mention for those who can tell the difference.

Moving on to more interesting things, to the left of your desk is the box containing the cords that connect the cameras to your moniter.

When one of these is disconnected, either by being pulled out, being disconnected by a character, or by having the connected camera overused, you'll have to plug it back in before that camera comes back online again.

It's not a huge problem, but it means you can't just stare at one camera forever.

Finally, the closet to your right.

It leads down to the basement, although most characters would rather come upstairs through the door on Cam-01.

Most characters...

If anyone appears there, you'll need to use your light to drive them away. This uses up a lot of power, although that's a system I'm not ready to talk about yet.

Something else I want to mention is that the visuals of the office are still being worked on. I want to add more props, and also possibly change the neon sign you click to enter the closet into something else.

That's all I have to say reguarding the office at the moment.

As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts.



Next up

Post 2 - Character Count

Here's 2 new camera pictures + a replacement for the previous prize corner picture. Hopefully you guys agree that this new prize corner looks way better.

Some weird details from the RoXo1987 FNACEC videos I'm (for some reason) only just noticing [With Pictures]

Release Plans For ANACEC

Not for this game, but I'm gonna post this here.

It's a cast for a scrapped FNACE game of mine called FNACEC: The Final Days.

It's based off of Non-RoXo CEC, so don't expect them to appear in this game... at least not in their current form.

Because pf my last post, I felt like sharing this Fnati remake map I made. It's super different from the original map, but I felt like changing it for the sake of the gameplay.

#fnaf #fnati #concept #treasureisland

You know, there's 0 evidence that these two are related in any way at all. Like, we've been calling these two 'shadows' for so long that we've managed to convince ourselves that they're the same but like?? No?????

I'm too tired to make a full-on article for this, but here's some previews of what I've been working on

Can't wait to edit this to be red (For real though, why is she red in this game?)

Post 1 - The New Building Layout