FNaF 1: Expanded Custom Night

6 months ago

And it's done!

After about a month, FNaF 1 Expanded Custom Night is finally done! Both a Windows download and a web build playable directly from your browser are up, and the project file will be up soon if anyone wants to make a mod or look at my terrible coding. If anyone notices any bugs or inaccuracies from the original FNaF 1, please let me know so I can fix them! (Unfortunately due to the limitations of Turbowarp, I cannot replicate the perspective effect) Web build will probably be updated quicker than PC download.



Next up

all this just to save your file

After a slight UI rework and removing some redundant buttons, we've got room for two new characters! Any ideas?

New fellas oh boy


The Expansion 1 update is now available for FNaF 1 ECN!

Below is a list of changes, I may have missed some. I don't remember every little thing I do. Some adjustments are made mid play testing because it feels better and those are hard to remember.

Rat Race Production Update

Happy holidays

Merry Christmas

Have a good Bartholomew Wednesday or whatever you happen to celebrate around these times

If I figure out the Gamejolt API tomorrow's update (please future me get it out on time) will add trophies. Other than that it will just be bug fixes and some small tweaks to endless mode.

''Could someone be at my window?''