Five Nights at Sonic's: Fierce Forces "Stellar Showoff!" [HIATUS]

13 days ago

The full appearance reveal of the 3rd Member and Subleader of "The Stellar Band" !

Fun Fact: In "Imagine It!" version, this appearance is a Skin for
Clone Sonic "Tune-Up!", whose his Skin has the genesis since the beginning
of the Fan-Comic and not from the moment idea of the Fan-Game.

The Techno Styled Modern Clone Sonic as know as Anew Stellar Sonic.

He's not only a Member, but as well the Secondary Leader of "The Stellar Band"
in Fierce Forces.

He often argues with Top Stellar Shadow over which of them is the Real Leader.
Because the Main Leader of the crew is Top Stellar Shadow.

The Clone is under the command of VJ Stellar Golden.

Anew Stellar Sonic has only one goal... To capture Soldier Grandeur Silent.



Next up

"The Hedgehog Multitude!" ~ WIP 7

#FNaSFierceForces #Horror #WIP #Fanart #Art

"Same Clone ~ Alternative Personality"

#FNaSFierceForces #ImagineIt #StellarShowoff #Fanart #Art

Gonna make a round 2 teaser of the Main Leader of Stellar Band, the first one was made in a rush. I need to slow down.

But on the other hand, if it weren't for this, I wouldn't know what needs to be polished and corrected. Gained an additional EXP.

You know Sonic the hedgehog? 😀


#sonicthehedgehog #sega #sonic #sonicfanart

Teaser: "Your Remembering Is Everything!"

#FNaSFierceForces #NFaS #HushNHustle #Horror #Fanart #Art

The Rat Cave is Cancelled


Sonic Heroes Movie Version!

FNaS: But Modern... and TECHNOlogized!

#FNaSFierceForces #StellarShowoff #Sketch #WIP