As said in the title, this is gonna be a small little update on where the game is currently and what we've doing over the past 5 months. Not everything I did will be covered, waiting to get more done so I can make a super cool and awesome video devlog, and really show off the game and explain a lot of things about it! No clue when that will be done or start to get worked on, hopefully this will hold everyone over until that comes out
Modeling And Environments
First of all, the base of the map is basically entirely done, what I mean by this is there are no walls or floors or anything without textures, and for the most part there's not a place you can go without it just looking like an empty building, which means I've been doing ALOT of prop modeling over the past few weeks, and in general just filling out rooms best I can, for example..

Art by @Br3dB3ar thank you so much goat
Overall, there are alot more environments in an almost presentable state, just lacking alot of smaller details, heres a look at the backstage area for example

Coding and Player Mechanics
Coding wise, the game is in a pretty good state as well. The coder of the project, ErikTheAviator, got maybe half of Bonnie done and currently is working on the camera systems and how all that works. Door interactions with the characters are also semi functional, and alot of the work next, which would be finalized doors and animatronic behavior, relies on me as I need to do better animations and make all the door variants in the game
This is about what the cameras currently look like, still refining the effect but this is most likely close to final

That's really it on all the progress, once again this isn't every bit of it just a few things that I wanted to show. Also I'm decently active on gamejolt even when I'm not posting things, so if there are any questions about anything go ahead and ask away, I don't mind replying!