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you know? this can be the new thumbnail for gorilla tag doesnt it?
Mmm... What will this mean?
So, I wanna show my project. Actually it was made several months ago, using unity engine and sprites/anitations were made by myself. By the way, the project is entirely in Russian. But if you know him or can use a translator, you can try)
thanks @Ernestito-Neringa01new-alt for the gifts! (good morning everyone how you doing)
uhh... i got told that Matthew Lillard has passed away, and that might mean fnaf 2 movie is cancelled.
Ummm guys... What did I just find
Last Updates:
- Made leaf particle movement random.
- Reduced the damage slow-motion effect.
- Added "Chromatic Aberration" and "Lens Distortion" post-processing effects when the player takes damage.
someone to do a cover of this song with me?