Tales Of Underlegends
2 years ago

April Fools Update + News

Hey guys, I hope you've had a great April Fools Day. I certainly have, lol

Anyway, the demo I released is not canon to the game. I just made that as a way of pranking the people who were hyped around this game. But not to worry! The game is still coming out, and a demo WILL be released... not for some time, though.

If anyone is wondering who the character is in the April Fools Demo, it's Angela, who is one of the main characters in the story. Sorry guys, no Gaster for you.

I am willing to put up a bounty to the first person who can do a no-hit of the April Fools Demo - early access to the game before it releases... and you can stream it too! The game is no-hittable... as far as I'm aware anyway, unless something happened.

To close off, a true public demo should be out by the middle of the month, if all goes well. Cya then.

EDIT: Future QSV here, I think there might be a bug in the game that makes no-hitting impossible. Patch soon?

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Next up

Another teaser pic + update

How would you register your excitement level for this game? Don't worry, your choice doesn't mean anything... or does it?

"how do you turn yellow in this game if you did genocide"


Almost done

Progress update - 17/10/2021:

Been busy with IRL work, but I managed to get started on the Minigames. Oh yeah, did I mention that this game has MINIGAMES?

More details to be revealed soon. In the meantime, have some settings.

Angry Sans progress

The Update of Dread, version 1.2, is finally here!

Working on another core feature in the game - Bios.

People have been asking me for the sprites to make their thumbnails so here you go