8 years ago

AquaNimble D17 Update

The D17 Update is here with a bunch of performance enhancements, bug fixes and a screen stretch for windowed mode. You can download the latest demo here:

Here is a list of everything I can remember that was updated:

  • Added stretch to increase the window size. It does make the game go slower and that’s why I pulled it from the game.

    • Added window border so you can click, drag and move the window.

  • Improved frame rate even with the flame throwers and dragons.

  • Improved the visuals for the weapon power ups.

    • Fixed a crash caused by the game being unfocused during the 5 second quick instructions.

    • Fixed sound and music volumes saving.

    • Improved performance by cutting corners with the background, cash, particles and flame thrower. If you were getting 30 fps you will probably get a better frame rate, but I recommend medium or low quality in the settings.

Thank you to everyone that has given AquaNimble a chance and to everyone that has voted on the Steam Greenlight page. If you would like to vote, please give the link a click:



Next up


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


I have added rewards for quests so that villagers can give you something in return for your hard work helping them. 🥳

I want to know - what's your favourite quest reward?

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark is out TODAY! 🖱️Advanced pointing, clicking action 🖨️Very funny words! Loads of them! 👻6 sarcastic, spectral cases to solve

Regular exercise is key for healthy wings.

Try it out!

An infected room from the second part of Cybel ! Are you up for some cleansing?

Regional Bulbasaur. #Pokemon

it happens


Here is a drawing a I made FOR ALL OF YOU