Greetings everyone! ^^
On this occasion we want to inform you about a special event...
Today you'll be able to ask questions to one of the characters of the Visual Novel: Noelle!

As you know, Deltarune: Harmony of Hearts is an...

And thus, there will be differences with the original game.
So this is the perfect occasion for you to get to know our own version of Noelle!

1. Any kind of question is allowed. This will be fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. You can ask questions related to other characters from the VN.
3. Friend Inside Me?
Remember you only have until the 22nd to make your questions! ^^
Because this 24th of October we'll publish… the Devlog where all of your questions will be shown and answered! ;D
And that will be all from our part!
See ya!