Twinkling - The leader!!!
He is the most aggressive person on the team!!!
He hates everyone and he doesn't feel like answering but he has no choice!!! 😒😑🐰
Stella - a fire girl member!
She is kind but she is strong and she has fire power so be careful or she might roasted you?! 🔥❤️🔥 🦊
Guardian - a right hand man cyborg rabbit?!
A evil scientist who accidentally got blown up by one of his falled subject?! And now he is a cyborg, but the good part he is a good guy now?! 🤖🦾🐰
Avis - a member that has a crush on the leader?! :3
She is a singing bird who is good at flying and shooting at the same time, but she is in love with the leader (Twinkling) but he doesn't know that but everyone knows that but she is too nervous to talk to him?! 😖❤️🐦
Hempton - a hungry member!!!
He loves eating not just he is a pig... He is nice to everyone and help people but his teammates like to call him fat, chubby, piggy but he doesn't like that and it hurts his feelings but he does talk back but he does share his food with his team!!! 😋❤️🐷
Buckley - the aggressive badass member!
He is mean and aggressive and he likes to smoke a lot but he doesn't give a freak about what the others think, he doesn't following directions and he is a good shooter!!! 😡🚬🦌
Rocky - the nicest member!
He is the nicest person on the team and he loves to help a lot and he is always ready for the mission and he likes to be friends with everyone!!! 😁😎🦒
Rose - The hybrid member?!
She is part cat and goat but her power can make lights!?
She can blind anyone with the power of the sun!?
But she is nice, kind and sweet and she follows directions from Israel... Wait I mean Twinkling... Uhh you didn't hear anything but she is the only hybrid person on the team!!! ❤️🥺🐱🐐
Team name - T.N.T
AKA, The Nexus Team!!!
the real leader name is Israel but he die and he gives it to Twinkling his best friend or best teammate, he gives him the hat and the jacket...
Rip Israel... 🥺❤️
He was a black rabbit with red eyes and the best leader of the team!
His first member was Rocky then Stella, Buckley, guardian, Avis, Rose, Hempton and of course Twinkling!!!
He was proud of his teammates but he is now in a better place...
Put rip to Israel... We never forget you!!! 🥺😭💔
Anyways I hope you guys have fun asking them questions or anything!!!
Love Twinkling or the purple rabbit!!! X3 ❤️💜