1 year ago

@AlbinaazhvzhvdTyuktyaevachgs is god follow him or something will happen.



Next up

No way I got rickrolled.

Now I know why is she called Alpha.

Oh god BRUH.

S E R I O U S L Y T H E Y M E A N T L I M I T E D T I M E.

What waste of my money.

Fricking capitalism COMMUNISM BETTR!!!!!!!!!!

Where'd he come from..?

@Wester , you hacked my game.

March stats & oh boy IT'S OVER 9000!

Doing a lil more testing with her rig

Here's tierlist of FNaF endings.


Ah yez too ez 4 MLG.

Game cancelled

This is the oldest version of The Golden Graveyard made in Clickteam which was just a prototype of selection.

We all know that TGG won't be developed in Clickteam.

I'll send old build into my games archive.