10 months ago

@gamejolt Hello, I want to ask the site administration a technical question. What are the Unity WebGL settings for the game build?

I tried every possible setting, but the game crashes due to an incorrectly configured server.



Next up

One of the short demos of my project.

I hope I was able to convey the feelings of the character through the screen.

This demo reveals one of the parts of the game's plot


My Simple Measure Tool

An alien diplomat wants to introduce itself to Earthlings.

Send them our message of good will by liking this post. If you do, it'll give you coins and stickers!

You have until the quest "A Transmission From Beyond the Stars" expires to like this post.

In the game, you play as a pilot who controls a huge robot with a bunch of weapons.

Complete the tasks to earn money and improve your weapons and robot.


🏳️‍🌈 Pride Month is Coming Soon! 🏳️‍🌈

Show your pride by completing Pride Month quests and spend Joltbux to support The Trevor Project's mission to help LGBTQ+ youth!

Everything starts on June 1st!

Hello, I created a simple free asset that will improve your unity.

This simple asset, once you install it, will add icons to your hierarchy and simplify the development of large scenes.

Code Monkey recommended.


Долго пытался подобрать цвета для своей игры, понял что нет лучше комбинаций цветов чем эти две.

We have a question and we wanna know: What game do you wish would get a sequel? Complete the quest and you'll get a Gaming Legends rewards pack!

UE5 Multiplayer Crouching - Teabagging This video demonstrates how to use the crouch function in a multiplayer game created in Unreal Engine 5. Crouching can be used to avoid enemy fire, as well as to express dominance over a downed opponent.