✧ Deltarune: Beyond the Darkness ✧

1 year ago

Attention DR:BtD Fans, to Celebrate us Reaching 60 Followers on DR:BtD; We have opened a Discord Server!

If you want to follow us and more; Go right ahead and Join! We apreciate any Help and Support!

Originaly 100 Followers was the Original Goal, then i managed to convince Mike to lower it to 50 because it was unlikely to happen anytime soon, then i decided because of some other Reasons to wait until we reach 60 Followers, so... yeah.

Also you get to talk to Mike there even if he gets banned on Gamejolt. You can never be sure...



Next up

Now we've come full Circle: The 3 Pals have now Updated Sprites, Sized better and less ugly looking.

Up is New - Down is Old

What do you guys think of the Change? Let us know!

Hey there guys; I have something to say to you all.

We may give the Dedication Soulmode Mechanic over to Icede (Patience/Cyan), to fit more with the Switch Soulmode.

But what does the Pink Soulmode do Instead? Suggestions below please!

* The Void

* A Place underneath Darkness

* A Place without Light

* A Place where Lost Souls go to

* A Place soon to open to the rest of the World

* It whispers your Name...


I know, I know... Its an Outdated Meme, but I did it anyways, so... Go to Heaven lol. #Orbead

You know: We still Have 2 (3 actually) Secret Boses left Un-Introduced to you all!

1 you probebly already saw in previous Posts, but his Design has been revamped since then. And 1 of a Duo for Chapter 3.

Who they are? Find out Next year...

I had red the Minecraft Wiki of unused Stuff, and saw one entry about a Soulfire Blaze Variant.

So I decided; Why not make my own Version of what that could be.

Introducing: SoulBlaze (Name Pending)

Well Ligtners and GentleDarkners; We have reached the End of August, Summer is Over!

Read more in Article.

Big Announcment! We have a New Logo for the Game, more Unique and fitting to the Title and setting.

Art made by: @T-Samuel

I hope you like it!

Some Minor Progress on my Undertale: Green Take.

Not much done because I didnt felt like it, but I think I will try to get the rest of the 3'O Clock Crew done.

Put your Opinions in the Comments!

Btw if you know where this Red One comes from; Bonus Points lol