✧ Deltarune: Beyond the Darkness ✧

20 days ago

Well Ligtners and GentleDarkners; We have reached the End of August, Summer is Over!

Read more in Article.

We have reached the End of Summer already, for most People that means return to Hell School! AInt that terrible Exciting? We hope that even during these Times you still Stick by as we progress our Projects!

Speaking off.. we have a Progress Report in Development, all Themed around chapter 4 - Dawn of Faith. It may come out the following Month or the next one, who knows: Depends on how Motivated we feel.

If You want for us to get it out Sooner, Share us your LOVE and Support, we apreciate it! For now though.. this Image is the only thing you will be seeing for now (;


Thank you for reading, and Remember: We're with you even Beyond the Dark!



Next up

Put your Opinions in the Comments!

Btw if you know where this Red One comes from; Bonus Points lol

Hey there guys; I have something to say to you all.

We may give the Dedication Soulmode Mechanic over to Icede (Patience/Cyan), to fit more with the Switch Soulmode.

But what does the Pink Soulmode do Instead? Suggestions below please!

HeadSprites for Bear Guy (Name still undecided) and Chad Oe, not much here yet, but least something.

Lookin good?

God dammit, Kris... [[Compilation]]

You know: We still Have 2 (3 actually) Secret Boses left Un-Introduced to you all!

1 you probebly already saw in previous Posts, but his Design has been revamped since then. And 1 of a Duo for Chapter 3.

Who they are? Find out Next year...

From Twitter, Toby post this tweet about some changes in the chapters 1&2 and date about the next newsletter!

#deltarune #twitter #tobyfox

Now we've come full Circle: The 3 Pals have now Updated Sprites, Sized better and less ugly looking.

Up is New - Down is Old

What do you guys think of the Change? Let us know!

Deltarune: Beyond the Darkness

Progress Report #1.5

Lost OST ??? - Delirious Damnation

Double Standards be like: