6 months ago

@TurtleBoard you piece of poop! its not to late to work on them. I REMBER



Next up

Progress is going swimmingly. Im loving the way its turning out so far and the antagonists in this game are really unique!

......Theres something on the ceiling...

Had a real blast streaming with yall, some real awesome memories from these streams. Youtube channel coming soon, but until then its a goodbye for firesides

This poll has made me very happy. Good to know yoink_fricc fans know where the peak is at

Winner (counting discord poll): Video of me defending against Oswald

Go fish huh? Interesting choice, not really what i think of when i think of casino games but interesting nonetheless. I'll host another poll if i decide i want to add an extra game.

E<:O - A game made in celebration

Today is the anniversary of @Airbot_GamerTV not releasing a game for a year! Play here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/945597498/

What lies beyond the steps?

I am the messiah

I've made trophies for every challenge if you want to check them out, they're pretty cool.

Who's up for a round of pool?