Zodiac Wizards

3 years ago

AVAILABLE NOW! our first version of ZODIAC WIZARDS is now available for free! Check out!

#gamedev #moba #zodiac #wizard #magic #signs #battle #game #multiplayer #online



Next up

β™‹ CANCER: A potent sand explosion will surely show your enemies who rules.

#magic #moba #gamedev #cancer #zodiac #spell #sand

Looking for a fun #gamedev challenge? Highrise Game Jam starts April 29 - May 5th. Check out the rules and submit a game before the deadline to win some serious CASH MONIES!

Learn all the deets:

The first 4 complete and playable signs of the game.

#wizard #magic #zodiac #signs #pisces #cancer #aquarius #leo #moba #gamedev

We've added animation for a little side quest.

New 3D model of characters in low poly style.

#3Dart #lowpoly #gamedev #rpg #customization #game #medieval

Magic staffs created especially for each sign

#moba #zodiac #magic #staff #signs #gamedev #3Dart

It’s time to kick off the Live Wallpaper Jam πŸŽ‰ but first... we need the theme!

So the theme is... 'UNLEASH'

You’ve got until May 2nd πŸ‘ Good luck!!


β™“ PISCES: A powerful vortex spell awaits you to master the battlefield!

#moba #magic #zodiac #pisces #gamedev #wizard