Kade's new twitter found
Finally, it reaches my Twitter feed. here @KadeDev new twitter in case you still unable to find it https://twitter.com/kade0912 yey
Okay, so you say, "why go twitter? twitter is radioactive wasteland! there are alot of bad guys" Yea, can't deny. BUT, here I found exciting logs I gotta tell
is that he's reupdating Hex, once again. Yep, have a look at his GitHub too!
Private Repo Contributions

Now, would you look at that? Yep. GitHub cannot tell how many private repositories he worked on those days, except how many commits there. But already sure, Hex new update is on the way. It'll be open for public soon.
Yeah sure, of course, as a friend, it's rude to leave their friend stranded before everything could be done. But the question is, if he sure never abandon friends, will he also never abandon everyone of us? Because we are already excited as that Hex update will base its framework under 1.8.1 according to that glympse right in here. And oh! it also have that Week 7 style loading screen too! yeiye!! Okay, I admit, and sorry. That was really rude, I know. I'm pecking sorry. pls don't cancel me, I just... desperate.
But let's hope for the best! this new update will again, be exciting here.
Average4K pls wishlist now
Everyone who likes to keep up with Kade knows that he is building his own rhythm game. And there is. the Steam page of it has came https://store.steampowered.com/app/1828580/Average4k/ . Not released yet, but you should playlist that thingy right now yess!
Go ahead, while it still fresh! and OH!
There will be a possibility to build FNF stuff with this too, as he ported @bbpanzu 's Holiday mod. look at this tweet. Yeah! indeed, you can potentially be able to port your FNF mods to there soon.
That is all for today.
Thancc for your attention
by JOELwindows7
Perkedel Technologies