Five Nights at Sonic's: Knuckles' Story

6 days ago

Back from the break

Hi everybody, I'm back and now I will start working on stuff again :]

For other news, the casting call is closed and I already started to decide who the new VAs are gonna be

Also, Sonic Robophobia is back on the works too, I'm not gonna post much about its progress, but believe me, we are working on it again

That's all, have a good day



Next up

Clone Sonic Redraw I made for fun ;]

funny borders

I don't plan on posting much related to this game, but I wanted to announce that I got artists to help on the game, so I can focus mainly on coding

Also, have a little preview of Mario's jumpscare (made by @MintLakuti2 )

Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)

as a celebration to #pridemonth here are simple doodles of the main 4 clones in the colors of their flags

they're all aroace and yoshi is also trans (technically she was created as a female but i still consider her trans because original yoshi was male)


#fnaf #fangame

Meet the band! (who's that guy on the right?)

"We have something to tell you, employees of SHPP..." - Management

Imagine if Sonic Heroes was on the GBA

(not 100% accurate but just a fun idea I had)

something to keep in mind when the game releases (this is not canon in normal fnas, but it is in the knuckles story universe)