Star Story
5 years ago

Background: Eugorvnia and the Astrilopops


I really don’t know how the name “Eugorvnia” came to be, anymore. I just needed a name. The city itself, and why it looks the way it does and why it is deserted was really thought out.

The Astrilopups have been inspired on wasps, ants and bees, and I guess that was very obvious by their looks. So I imagined them from the start to have only one fully female member in their colonies… the queen, just like the species I just mentioned. And so the looks of Eugorvnia were roughly inspired by how beehives and wasp nests look like. I did make a few changes to the real species, particularly in how the males only breed with queens of different colonies to prevent inbreeding, and the misery coming from that due to the Astrilopups’ violent nature.

When it comes to the Astrilopups in general, I figured that the way insects are build makes them unable to produce human speech, so it was clear from the start they had to have their own language and they do it by making certain rhythms with their jaws. Wendicka has been taught to understand these rhythms, but she could not clap her hands fast enough to make these rhythms herself, and thus she can understand but not “speak” this language. The Mole solved this matter by using castanets to create these rhythms. Although he’s not too good in that, at least the Astrilopups understand him.

Wendicka will mention at one point that the Astrilopups do not know what religion is. I figured not all alien species would have a religious background, and the Astrilopups even lack the complete understanding of what it is.

Actually they became most of all of a threat when they were unified by the “Goddess”, and later The Mole. It’s a bit of one of the hidden messages I put in this game.

Unlike the language of Phantasar (which is spoken in the hidden Phantasar part of the game prior to being bewitched by Rosetta enabling you to understand the language, which will after that be shown in English), the Astrilopup language was not worked out at all. I just typed some nonsensical text in either English or Dutch (quite often not even related to the story line) and made an interesting looking font to make it look like alien language. I will admit that one. Yeah, yeah, I know… LAAAAZY!



Next up

A #phrase of #wisdom from the French scientist and philosopher #BlaisePascal Two stories, the one tied to this game (new version), and a prequel novel based on this game have this quote. Perhaps you understand why....

Can you see why this pyramid deal could never be solved from the start (regardless what the already removed cards are)?


Killing only brings you so far!

Open alpha available on

Game redo on Cynthia Johnson

Celebrities (almost) killed by one of their biggest fans

Just a random screenshot of the upcoming remake! I hope you like it #starstory #remake #rpg #freegame

Alpha status