A Golden Past - Chapter 3
11 months ago

Bad news, PLEASE read throughout this post before saying anything.

If u were expecting something good in a troll, you're wrong.

I'm cancelling A Golden Past chapter 3 and whatever else was planned for it. I won't leave you all in the dust as this post WILL show what has been done, etc. Even if it's BTS old stuff, I'll explain the mechanics planned for Chapter 3 too.

I will feel bad for it but in the long run this game just started becoming a chore and nothing we wanted to do, we all realized we have better stuff to work on, MUCH better. I showed Chapter 3 too early and it hasn't been going well for months. This game wasn't even NEAR done and hasn't for months so this isn't like we're letting it go halfway through, it's just a silent husk we don't wanna do anymore.

After the recent incidents with my dog, I just can't even remotely look at AGP anymore with motivation. I PROMISE you guys this is nothing compared to my other projects, I have MUCH better competent games than AGP, I am sorry for disappointing all 4,000 of you and breaking anything. I'd rather take care of myself or my team than work on this game that felt like a chore. I do NOT want anyone to continue this game and let it just rest. I'll keep the chapters up and release a BUILD of chapter 3 (the old stuff, as in nothing current), but it's something and will always have this be a memory for what not to do. (limited time for today for the build, will be unlisted tomorrow).

Gonna show what was made for this game alongside the build, this game isn't good TRUST ME this game has been fucking ASS even from what you guys seen. I didn't wanna spend money on something we don't wanna do.

AGP was just gonna sit here, this game has been a meme and it could've been BETTER if we tried and utilized a better concept with a remade fnaf concept, even as a first game series technically it was all mid and was just stressful.

I won't delete these pages, they'll stay up even chapter 3 here with the tiny old build. This game series had MANY problems and I HAVE BEEN improving and moving forward, this series shows how bad I have been, but I again promise I have been doing better with other projects. I've learned NOT to do remasters, it's not a fun series and frankly never will be. I always kept fearing this game would disappoint people.

I WON'T EVER show pages early again, I've learned my lesson from that years ago. I have a lot of unlisted stuff that are SO MUCH more fun and have been doing SO MUCH better than all my old stuff including AGP.

Just trust me a ton, I have better stuff that I'm doing as I have learned and improved. I'm so so sorry for anyone I have disappointed, this hurts me a lot but in the end it's the best course of action that I hope you all understand. I learned a lot from this series and thank it for bringing me here, but I do have to let it go as I'd rather not work on something I'm not having fun with y'know? I do have A LOT of other interesting projects to come, don't worry! Just AGP has to go. Thank you all so much for being here for this series even if it is going. This page WILL be up for a LIMITED TIME for the build and tomorrow the page will be unlisted. So best get the build when you can when it comes out before tomorrow.

The build will be up when this post is done, in the meantime here's BTS stuff:


This is DEADASS all the game had... not even kidding and that's saying something for why it's cancelled. I hope you all enjoyed its journey while it lasted.

Get the build while you can TODAY and tomorrow the page will be gone. (build will be up soon so dw)

Massive shouts to the team and all of you, honestly. I have better projects to come, trust me. <3



Next up

Here's the full 3 btw, since it's revealed. Models are by me and I've always wanted to show these too lmao

I've spawned dayed!!!

Have a WIP. (not final yet, so note that lol)

(This doesn't mean Chapter 3 will be worked on faster, but just a little something for now)

DUDE, I lied, I did a lot of tries from 0 and managed to eventually get 31% lmfao

Don't think I'll be beating this anytime soon tho, but been getting consistent which is a good sign. Also was in call so ignore le voices LMAO


(For both PC and Android devices.)

It's private on my channel rn, but it is indeed ready for this Saturday. Hope to see you all there! It'll be public to my YT once the event is over. (And yes that's me in the reflection LOL)


See you all in 2 weeks for the @FangameDirect event! :)

To show we're working on the trailer for the upcoming @FangameDirect event, here's a snippet of the entrance pan animation in the trailer (still rendering as u see lmao) but we're working on the trailer and almost done with it! :)

I got gamejolt creator so take some progress on the game. This is a devlog I guess

Old (2021) to New (2023) office, the new office ISN'T final yet as it has placeholder stuff however you guys deserve somewhat of an update to the newer visuals. Glad you all have been patient, means a ton! <3 (and again, not final YET.)