Midnight Murders
10 years ago

Bad News.........

Im having problems with my laptop right now which means i cant switch to unity which means that i cant continue the game right now. im hoping to be back to developing by the end of the week. Sorry guys i hope this dosent cause any inconvienience……… :(



Next up

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

Quantum precognition is one of the most powerful cards. End game cards & equipment. Demo/alpha build boss is no match for this deck.

I was bored, so... ManutKat.

Heya! I wanted to show some gameplay progress i made so far. I hope you like it ^^

a drawing I did because I was bored😪. But I love how it turned out.😊

Levels' maps.

Distrust - HUMERUS (with dirty shade) Papyrus isn`t small. It's possible that I didn't draw him well, but he crouched down and bent towards us. I'm still bad at moments like this

Sonic X pixel art.

Added an exit portal to the maze SRP project. It has a simple effect using scrolling UV's and particles.

Knocked down + Get up animation