These Nights at Jax Justun's 10: Saludos of Draxx Dustun Studios

20 days ago

Banner Poster Shrine of DDS #VersionThree - (Created on: August 30th, 2024) You got to be kidding me!!!! ALREADY!!!!! Draxx Dustun Studios are fast with their parody-like creations!!!!! They all must take a massive of a break time as always!!!!!

But anyways, enough with the negative-ness, look what we have here today folks!!!! It's the Official #3rdVersion of the Banner Poster Shrine of Draxx Dustun Studios and all of their Parody Mascots and Parody Cameo Mascots in just one massive of a crowded cluster of a..........Whatever this is.........A family and friends group photo of some kind????? I mean, just look at it folks!!! One month just alone (I'd said that all mixed up), we're all already going into the second series of parody mascots/experiments of Draxx Dustun Studios!!!!

And just look how far we'd come already!?!?!?!?!? Nineteen parodies of Draxx Dustun Studios in just one whole month alone here in 2024!!!! It appears though that of course, the #3rdAndOfficialDDSvideo won't be ready until it's ready to go!!! The development will be starting until September 1st, 2024, and of course, they'll be more and more future updates when passes on by!!! For now everybody, stay tuned for some more future updates and see you all around the first week of September of 2024!!!!!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #SeptemberOf2024sNearlyHere!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFroMMeUs!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!!!!



Next up

2024 HHS Parody Character #31 - Jillolagee Calapilloor (Created on: September 14th, 2024) Wow!!!! Haxx Hustun Studios & Napature Science has made yet another official parody mascot/character!!!!

JJS Parody Depiction #15 (For Mr. Sheffinton "Cheffinton") - Created on: September 14th, 2024 Another official #JJSparodyDepiction has been created for the very last Mall Keeper of Jax Justun Studios known as "Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)"!!!! WOW bros!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #7 - Mrs. Pieya-Face (Created on: August 23rd, 2024) My goodness!!! It's nearly been a few weeks now, and Aug. of 2024 hasn't even ended yet!!!! But wait a min. here!!!! Isn't that, the FINAL #PMEofHHS!?!!?!!!?! It is!!!!!

Help @JudgeJelly Fend Off Cthulhu!

The cosmic terror will attack Game Jolt unless Judge Jelly can fend it off!

Check your quest log to learn how YOU can help.

HHS Cartoon Depictions #36 & #37 (For Evelyn Claythorne & Enchant Ender Dragon "EED or ED") - Both Created on: Sept. 16th, 2024 Wow!!! Two more official HHS Cartoon Depictions!?!?!!!!

Check out the @MassiveMonster shop for exclusive CULT OF THE LAMB avatar frames, backgrounds, and stickers!

We better see you praising the Lamb. 👀

Collect 'em all here:


After nearly months of waiting, Draxx Dustun Studios Inc. has finally invited you all to their official #2000thGameJoltPost!!!!!! Home of all of their past parody experiments/creations of their beloved #812YearOld parody company!!!!!! THIS IS PERFECT!!!!!

JJS Parody Depiction #16 (For Lord Admin) - Created on: September 15th, 2024 Oh, yes!!! There's nothing quite like a safe and relaxing afternoon for an amazing day.....Wait a second here???? Is that what I think it is!?!?!?!!!!

just checking in

2024 DDS Parody Character #8 - Scworppilla (Created on: Aug. 15th, 2024 - Aug. 16th, 2024) FINALLY!!! We finally have him or IT all surrounded!!!!! Nearly 8 and a dozen years to capture of course!!! Or recaptured for that matter!!!!!!