2 years ago

Basic, configurable, and trainable neural network free for various uses. https://turbowarp.org/722616262?fps=60&hqpen&stuck&limitless



Next up

Test to make efficient 3D physics using verlet integration. Can potentially do cloth and rope sims. (no collision yet) https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/850207918/

crap they found me.

Experimenting with planar global illumination in unreal engine 5. (not screen space, lumen, or rtx)

A little update on the side project, its gonna be turned into something later on but its only really testing stuff. What yall think bout this?

Screen space grass=infinite grass

tekken 3 in turbowarp (concept done with SW2 and pen+ v6)

This one hurts

I have gotten this to a mostly functional state but there are some bugs and stuff I can't get my head around.



One step at a time (engine state update)

Statics in blam have been completed.

Next on the todo list before a demo release is dynamics, physics, menu(what you see is an old version that is currently being rewritten), and first person animation system.