Lina's AppleTree Babies

8 days ago

Before the Rain

Last Two Pictures turn out so really f good thanks to such a fast phone as mine that takes f forever to load anything

My phone is slower then moms and we made jokes about her phone being slow as f

Well thank fully not much changed there with all of them..


Faline Day14

Stumpson Day12

Tree3 & Clear Day10

Tree5 Day9

Tree6/7/8/9 Day4

After the Rain

#AppleTree #AppleTrees #AppleTreeBaby #AppleTreeBabys #Tree #Trees #BabyTree #BabyTrees #AppleTreeSeed #AppleTreeSeeds #Seed #Seeds #Plant #Herb #Shrub #Plants #Herbs #Shrubs #Greenery #Earth #Photo #2024 #RealLife #LinaWorker



Next up

I went out and made some photos for y'all


writing this post a second time T^T

I'm so so so Sorry!!! Those are Yesterdays (24.06.2024) Pictures and I DIDN'T MAKE ANY FOR TODAY!!! T^T oh and pictures made with my sisters phone

24.06.2024 25.06.2024

So after the thing with Tree6 I kind of forgot to tell you the news of my other trees

Faline is getting more leafs it looks like Stumpson is doing good too 4 is getting big Clea is every tiny but also every pretty and healthy looking 5 still the same 6

don't make my mistake when you look at an eclipse

Today's update on my trees

There is a ants path right in front of my trees...

And there will be an extra post about Tree6...

As promised, here's the video of the kingsnake! It was displeased by my existence. It even shook its tail a tiny bit... You ain't no rattlesnake!

Oh, and I also put a little warning in the beginning for any who have a fear of snakes, as requested.

This drawing was meant to be a lot of different Sonic drawings lul

I kind of drew this without the Votes decide and yet still drew what ya voted for lul

This was Originally meant to be my AU Sonic but ended up being some kind of normal Sonic



Only sonic game I ever played alright

it's lots of fun tho and playing as Metal or sonic is for me the most fun

I'm sorry that I'm gonna have to post so much just to do the quest but I want to do the quests

Snapped this photo of some bluets!

By the way, have you seen @LinaWorker 's community for everything plants and gardens?

It's my brother's birthday today ^^

And if you see it then yes there was a snail in Tree5's pot. Must have fallen from a tree to get there. Thank fully it wasn't hungry it seems like

I'm not home right now and might not have that much time today