
27 days ago

behold!!! the new face of TOREADOR: Tor the Bull

(name still being workshopped)

(the rest of the body soon to follow)

anyways this will be my most complex model to date (even Greg was easier to model!) and further cements my development (oh dear...)



Next up

i do rather miss the thrills of having to work around scratch's limits, but i do also appreciate the ability to design for an aspect ratio that is not 4:3. still, roblox studio has limits of its own that i have to work around, but i am willing to learn...

it gets quite cold down there in that basement... you can make use of this heater but i'm not sure how much load your house's power system can take before breaking something somewhere... regardless... hypothermia isn't such a good thing either

making a few UI mockups for the main menu because i am not feeling like working on gameloop stuff today (perhaps tomorrow shall be different) here's the main menu, everything here is subject to change so dont get too attached lmao

To anyone who wants their art in Stanley's 2, you can submit any art (Stanley related obviously) in the comments on this post or shout them at me. If it is chosen, which most of them will be accepted, it will be put somewhere in the game.

map creation going smooth for the most part, going for a simple layout with lots to do inside of it (its a basement so it's not going to be complex)

surely this time im able to furnish it, right???

the doors finally work, this will be one of the views out of the room and now with this barrier out of the way, i can continue with other important things like camera control and animation (amongst other things). enjoy this 17-second demo of door sillies.

TOREADOR celebrates the (now 12) follower milestone! :D thanks to all who has been with this game, either from the beginning or just now, following or not, even those that took a quick look at the game and decided its not for them, to you all i thank!! :D

roblox studio is NOT playing nice with the texture maps that im trying to upload :( the pbr materials service does not want to work for some reason (this happened to me yesterday as well as today)