Since I recontinued this game, it turned quickly to v0.1, had to start from the Scratch, since I moved on from Laptop to Gaming PC, lots of things I have missed (I haven’t transfered any files, and that’s too late now because the laptop couldn’t start any longer)
So when I started, it’s a bug roaming everywhere and then I can’t fix some of them. This includes the the rare main menu jumpscare, where sometimes it doesn’t appear, instead, it just makes noises, in fact, this happens sometimes.
Another bug is, in Chapter 3, when you look at the left of your office and Springtrap goes to the vents to jumpscare you, but when you look left, it jumpscares you on left, which is a wierd think.
The bug in Chapter 1 is that the flashlights still work after spamming them when almost in low battery.
I also expected a jumpscare, leaving you to static, like in inifinite static, where you have to wait for someone to jumpscare you again before the game is over. This is expected in Chapter 2.
Also, there is a wierd bug that needs to be fixed, and that’s title screen. After gameover, you will see the buttons messed up, the background is missing, etc.
I didn’t expect that this would happen but as soon as I fixed everything up, it’s okay to start screenshotting now.
Thanks for reading