“Vegeta, what does your scouter say about his game developing amount?”
“It’s OVER 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!” Breaks the scouter
Oh, right, guess you have readed the top of the news “BUMPY FLOOR”!
Exactly have i written this with a reason.
I was rewritting collision engine to be far more supperior, this allowed me to add Z-Floors! What does that mean? You may have noticed the whole game had only one level floors that were completely flat, now the terrain in Stellar One is more complex and has slopes/stairs/bumps/hills. Wan’t dat screenshot?

The game is in development for a long time now, compared to Stellar Zero which was developed in 9 days (OMG!), but it will pay off a lot. I’m trying to approach commercial quality, this might sound crazy for one man team, but i’ll try!