2 years ago

Buster and Greg (Project readjusted)



Next up

Late MAR10 day sketch

Man he's gotten worse since last time i've seen him screw his life up.

Its the final straw for him to dissappear into the abyss forever.

Ourple guy

Don't forget to stop at the nearest gas station! it's a long drive to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza...

-Alexander (Phone Guy)

Another Gf doodle

grrrhhh stop moving,.,.,, STOP MOVING!! !!!! !

Skeleton hand from art class.

(Also Watercolored)

Give me a better drawing app idea

Lil test made on a website to view 360 renders, the real one will be with a phone call and that stuff

Also yeah!!! This is the new office, it's based on the CeC console and some kid's playgrounds


He ain't wrong.