Hi guys.
So for the past two weeks I’ve had a very stubborn flu that wouldn’t go away.
Then last Saturday it finally seemed to vanish and I felt better.
However, on Wednesday during school it came back, and I felt extremely awful.
Eventually I had to go home and I’ve been sick ever sense.
Another issue has actually risen recently, and that would be very dry skin.
My hands were extremely dry and cracked, and now there’s red spots all over them.
I used some skin cream last night and they’re fine now, but I’ve also noticed there’s a bunch of spots all over my nose which are really annoying and irritating. It sucks ;-;
So due to all of this I can’t really focus on UPPERTALE or any other games right now. I’m usually either sleeping or playing TF2 very badly (ha nope I still play good).
So I’m sorry but the update will take a while :(
Thanks for reading.