DONTFORGET (Undertale / Deltarune Online Fangame)

2 months ago

❤ DONTFORGET - December 2024 Progress Report ❤

(Read inside for a status update on v2.8.0, focusing on the revamped overworld - with new puzzles to solve, new equipment to find, new secrets to uncover, and more!)

Howdy, everyone!

Welcome to the December 2024 Progress Report! I hope everyone has been having a lovely holiday season, and that you all have a happy new year!

This will be our last progress report for 2024, and we've got quite a bit to share with you! If you've been around on the DF Discord Server or have seen my Twitter, then you've already seen a bit of what's being shown off today, but if you haven't, then there's a lot to talk about!

Now then, let's get right into the status update!

Status Update on DONTFORGET v2.8.0

Since our last progress report, v2.8.0 has made considerable progress! Most notably, we've been working on:

  • Completing all of the new rooms and puzzles for the overworld revamp. So far, we've finished everything up to Hotland. Hotland still has a little more to go, while the CORE and New Home only need minor changes!

  • Finishing up implementation of all new weapons and armors.

  • Implementing animations for all spells in the game.

  • Designing and implementing new attacks for certain enemies, and fine-tuning combined attack patterns in multi-enemy encounters.

  • Implementing a revamped corruption battle system - more info on this below!

  • Implementing X-Acts, a special type of ACT where multiple party members are required to use them. These will be used for certain corruption battles and Cyber World enemies!

  • Implementing the new shop system - more info on this below!

  • Further work on community servers; completing the new overhead local chat system, and adding the old local chat system back in as an option.

And that's not all, there are actually a few other things I can't talk about just yet! As you can imagine, there's been a lot in the works since we last spoke!

Now, in this progress report, I'd like to focus on the overworld revamp in particular, showing you guys some of the new rooms and puzzles you'll discover, and talking about other elements that go hand-in-hand with the new overworld, like the new equipment system where you can find weapons and armors in the overworld!

But before all that, let me show you a few other things first!

Progress on Overhead Local Chat

First up, the new overhead local chat system has been completed! If you haven't seen it previously, this new system works like Club Penguin's chat, where your message will appear above your character's head when speaking!


Since we last showed it off, the interface has been improved, and the chat history has been implemented! With this new chat history, you can view not only the chat history of the room you're in, but also the chat history of the entire server!


But the coolest feature of the new local chat is the "effects" menu! In this menu, you can apply colors and cool text effects like shaky or wavy text to your messages!


This is perfect for roleplaying, or just to help your message stand out!


As mentioned before, the old local chat system is still available as an option in the CONFIG menu, if you still prefer the previous style! The old local chat system has also been upgraded to support the new effect system, so you won't be missing out if you decide to switch back!


What do you guys think? I hope you'll enjoy using the new local chat system in 2.8!

Progress on Spell Animations

As you may already know, 2.8 will feature a new MAGIC system akin to Deltarune's! Every party member has a set of three spells/skills they can perform in battles on their turn, and in total, there are 62 spells/skills in the game!

While the MAGIC system is already implemented, we've still got some animation work to do for spells that need unique animations when they're cast. Here are a few examples of the spell animations we've made so far!

This is a fire-elemental spell, "FLAME ROAR"!


This is a grass-elemental spell, "LEAF SLICE"!


This is a normal-elemental skill, "SELF-DEFENSE"!

A unique property of this skill is that it'll never kill an enemy. They'll always be left with 1 HP, even on a finishing blow, making it a viable strategy to use it to make a foe tired, and then use pacify!


And this is a unique spell for the Rock vessel, "ROCK SLIDE", because why not!


I hope you're looking forward to using magic with your party members in 2.8!

Custom Control Binds

For 2.8, I've been cleaning up and even rewriting a few of the oldest parts of the game's framework, some of which dates back to 2017! One of the messiest parts of the game was the control script, and it was high time it got a rework.

As part of this rework, I was able to add a feature that's been requested for a while now: the ability to remap the controls!


In the updated CONFIG menu, you can now change your Control Scheme to "CUSTOM", and this will allow you to use the custom binds you specify in the new "Control Binds" menu! You can still switch back to the "DEFAULT" and "WASD" control schemes at any time, and your custom binds will still be the same as you left them if you go back to the "CUSTOM" scheme!


For now, this feature is limited to the keyboard on the Windows version of the game, but in the future I may add the ability to change the control scheme for controllers!

Release Plans

In our previous progress report, we announced our plan that there would be one more progress report before the release of v2.8.0 (which would have been this one).

Unfortunately, we weren't able to fit everything that we wanted to within this progress report. Although we've still got plenty to share today, there are still a few remaining features for 2.8 that we'd like to showcase before its release, such as the new PvP system (still working on it!!) and Undernet v2.0.

We also have plans to release a new patch for the game, v2.7.14, to update the game to the latest version of the GMServer extension. Originally, this patch was going to be released alongside this progress report, but unfortunately, the server is currently being targeted with another DDoS attack. We're waiting to hear back from the server host on a solution, so please bear with us while we deal with the issue. In the meantime, you can check the server status here.

Due to this, our plan now is to release v2.7.14 as soon as the server is back to normal. After that, we have plans for one more major progress report, to showcase the few remaining features that we weren't able to fit in this report!

We're not able to give a release period for the next progress report just yet, but it'll be released as soon as possible!!

I apologize to those of you who were expecting a release date for v2.8.0 in this report. This year has certainly had its ups and downs for us, but I am very excited for what's to come in 2025! There is no doubt in my mind that v2.8.0 and v2.9.0 will both release in 2025.

Thank you all so much for your patience with us, and I hope you'll look forward to what DF has in store over the coming year!

(1/1/2025 EDIT: Hey all, future Ricky here! I just wanted to say that the server host has been made aware of the DDoS attack, and he's been working to improve the situation.

As of now, you should be able to login again after waiting on the login screen for just 5-15 seconds or so. Once you're in the game, your connection should remain stable! We'll continue to monitor the server and let you know if anything changes. Thank you for your patience!)

Now then, let's dive into the meat and potatoes of this progress report: the overworld revamp! A.K.A...

"The Update that Changed the World"

Minecraft reference aside, it's no exaggeration that v2.8.0 literally changes the world of DF's multiplayer!

Let's go over the biggest changes in 2.8's overworld!

The Setting

Since v2.0.0, DF's online multiplayer has technically taken place in the Underground this whole time... but it doesn't really feel like it, does it?

While there are some rooms from the original Underground, the layout of each area is completely different from the original game, so it hasn't been clear if it's actually meant to be the Underground or not.

This is because, originally, Story Mode and Online Mode didn't share many connections to each other, so the world of Online Mode didn't need to fit within the game's canon - it just needed an Underground, but not the Underground.

DONTFORGET has evolved a lot since then, with Story Mode and Online Mode gradually sharing more connections to each other in the narrative.

The best way to describe the two modes is that they are parallel stories to each other. Without going into spoiler territory, they will both take place within the original Underground from Undertale, exploring previously unseen areas and their darkest depths...

As such, our plan is that with each chapter we release for the singleplayer Story Mode, we will add their new areas into Online Mode's overworld simultaneously! This means that the Underground in both modes will continue to expand as new chapters release for Story Mode!

However, Online Mode still needs a proper base to build off of! The overworlds of Story Mode and Online Mode will overlap at certain points, but they aren't exactly the same as each other...

So that's what the overworld revamp in v2.8.0 is for! This update introduces a new overworld, set within the original Underground, with new paths branching off from the main route! With this layout, we can easily add the new areas from Story Mode onto it later!

Let me show you what I mean...

New Paths

When you first start v2.8.0, you'll find yourself in the original starting room from Undertale.


Just ahead, you'll be in the Ruins! The first six rooms of the Ruins have been faithfully recreated!


But wait, what's this? There's a strange barrier blocking the path... Where do we go from here?


Wait, a new path has been revealed-!


A completely new section of the Ruins has opened up to us! It seems like this is part of a secret passageway built many years ago, originally designed for the Royal Family to use in the event of an evacuation... I wonder what you'll find inside?


This is basically the new format of each area: you'll start in the first few rooms of the original area, and then you'll branch off into a completely new section!

For example, in Snowdin, the room after Doggo's sentry station is blocked off by that strange barrier...


But if you head up from the Box Road, you'll see that the denizens of Snowdin Forest have made a temporary bridge to get around it!


Across the bridge, you'll be able to explore more of Snowdin's vast forest!


As for Waterfall, you'll need to hitch a ride on the ferry to take a detour through an abandoned mineshaft!


But how do these new paths connect back to the main path? Well, in the Ruins, the secret passageway connects right outside Toriel's house:


However, for Snowdin and Waterfall, you'll need to take a ride on Riverperson's boat!


Like in Undertale, they'll offer you a free ride, and have something interesting (or silly) to talk about along the way!


Of course, you can still warp around the overworld in v2.8.0, but you can only warp from save points, not at any time like before! So you'll still need to use Riverperson to reach new areas for the first time - but after that, it's optional!

I believe this new overworld really helps DF's Online Mode feel more like a multiplayer expansion for Undertale! There's plenty for players to explore now, but exploration in an Undertale fan-game wouldn't be complete without...

New Puzzles

Throughout the branching paths in each area, you'll come across new puzzles to solve! There's a mix of new puzzles...


...and a few old favorites!


In a previous progress report, I've talked about how I've really wanted to incorporate more puzzles into DF's Online Mode, because up to this point the game has been pretty lacking in them... well, v2.8.0 makes a start on that! I've been having a lot of fun designing the puzzles, so I hope you'll enjoy solving them!

One thing that I really want to do with puzzles in a future update is making it possible for members of your guild to help you with them directly! I'd like to make it so puzzles are synced between all guild members, so you can collaborate with your friends to solve them!

This would open up the possibility of adding puzzles that require multiple people, which seems perfect for a multiplayer Undertale game! However, this could be tricky, since we still need to consider that some players prefer to go solo, so we'll just have to see!

Anyway, puzzles aren't the only new thing you'll find in the overworld! As mentioned before, 2.8 is adding a brand-new equipment system! In this system, there are three ways you can obtain weapons and armors, but for now we'll cover the first two:

Overworld Equipment

Like in Undertale, you will now find new weapons and armors in the overworld, which you can pick up to add into your EQUIP menu, no money or stats required!


From the EQUIP menu, you can equip the weapons and armors you find onto yourself or your party members!


There'll be some equipment that you'll find naturally along the main path, but others will be found on optional paths, rewarding you for your exploration!


These pieces of equipment are free because they typically give just enough of a stat boost to get you through the area. But if you want to have even stronger equipment, or if you want to buy duplicates for your party members, then you can go to...

Item Shops

You'll now find item shops that sell equipment and consumable items throughout the Underground! The old shop system has been replaced with an improved system, making them feel a lot more faithful to Undertale's!

When you hover over a piece of equipment for sale, the stat differences for it will pop up, just like in Deltarune! These stats will tell you whether or not that piece of equipment is better or worse than your current equipment for each party member!


You can buy up to three duplicates of each equipment. Once you've bought all three, it'll appear as "Sold Out" in the shop, so you won't accidentally waste your money on equipment you don't need.


As a quick disclaimer, the shops that are in v2.8.0 aren't final! Some of them use their original assets from Undertale, and in the future we'd like to replace these. And of course, we'll be introducing brand-new shopkeepers in the upcoming Story Mode, some of whom will appear in Online Mode as future chapters release!

Anyway, with all of this new equipment, you might be wondering what you'll be using it for, besides regular encounters. Well, that's where this next section comes in...

New Corruptions

Ever since they were first introduced in v2.5.0, "corruptions" have been a core part of Online Mode's gameplay.

Previously, "corruption battles" were a rare event that had a chance of happening after a regular encounter. In this rare event, a random character would appear across time and space to attack you...!


If the player defeated the corruption, they would "fix" that character and recruit them as a partner. You could have one partner join you at a time, and they'd provide you with passive bonuses like extra EXP or G.

For v2.8.0, a new party system was announced earlier this year. This system is a complete overhaul of the old partner system - you can now have two partners join you as functional party members! Your party members can help you directly in battles, with their very own turn to perform commands!

Basically, you can build your very own Deltarune-style party, with nearly 70 characters to choose from!

But how do you recruit party members? Is it still a random chance like before, or do you recruit them as part of the story? The answer is... both!

Let me introduce you to the new overworld corruptions:


Instead of a rare chance to encounter them after every battle, you will now find corrupted characters wandering the overworld in certain locations. If they spot you, they'll start to chase you-!


If you come into contact with them, the corruption battle will initiate, and you'll have to defeat them in order to free them of the corruption and recruit them as a party member.


In previous versions of the game, corruption battles scaled their stats automatically to your LV, and would always deal damage equal to 1/4 of your max HP. This is no longer the case.

Instead, corruptions essentially serve the role of mini-bosses; they have pre-determined stats that suit what point in the game they're located. Since the game has been rebalanced to be a more linear (but highly-replayable) experience, this makes a lot more sense than the previous system.

You'll find up to 3 corruption battles per area, typically with two optional corruptions, and one "boss corruption".

Boss corruptions are special encounters that you'll find at the end of each area. They come complete with new attack patterns, new ACTs, and new dialogue! Unlike the other corruptions, boss corruptions are required for progression, as you cannot proceed to the next area without beating them.


Now, you may be wondering, if the corruptions are pre-determined, and there's only up to 3 per area, how do you recruit all 68 party members?

Well, I'll talk more about this in the near future, but to sum it up, this is when the "New Run+" mechanic comes into play!

You may recall in a previous progress report where I announced this feature. Basically, after you've reached the end of a run, you'll be given the option to continue the post-game, or start a "New Run+".

Choosing the latter option will reset your LV, equipment, and story progress, but will carry everything else over, allowing you to re-experience the story and try new routes as many times as you like, all on one file! A new counter next to your LV in the stats menu will display how many runs you've completed on your file:


For your first run in 2.8, all of the corruption battles will be pre-determined; everyone will encounter the same characters the first time around.

But in New Run+, all of the corruptions (except for bosses) are randomized! This means that for each new run you play, you'll be able to recruit new party members along the way, making each playthrough feel different from the last!

Of course, if you don't want to start a new run to get new party members, there is still an alternative! An equivalent to "glitch tickets" will remain available, which I'll talk more about next time!

Anyway, that wraps up everything I wanted to share about the new overworld... for now! I hope this deep dive has helped you to feel even more excited for v2.8.0!


Welp, that's another year done and dusted!

Overall, I'd say that 2024 has been a decent year for DONTFORGET! Despite some of the difficulties that we've faced, I'm very proud of all the work that the team and I have been able to do, and I'm very thankful to all of you who have continued to support us throughout the year! We wouldn't be able to do any of this without you, so we really appreciate you all being here!

Although 2.8 wasn't able to release in 2024 like we had hoped, we were still able to release new content for the game throughout the year, in the form of patches for 2.7!

Most notably, we were able to release a new area for the game, Deltarune's Hometown, as well as the new and improved DF Editor v2, which you guys have used to create some really cool custom areas! Besides that, we were also able to add new costumes, a dedicated notification system, an improved skill system, better UI, and many quality-of-life improvements!

While they weren't as big as 2.8 will be, we still hope you guys have been able to enjoy playing these smaller updates for DF this year!

Going into 2025, I have very high hopes for what's in store! I seriously can't wait for you all to play 2.8 - and beyond!

Anyway, that's all for now. Thank you all so much for reading, have a happy new year, and as always... stay determined!




Next up

❤ DONTFORGET - May 2024 Mini Status Update ❤

(Read inside for the latest information on v2.8.0's development, the changelog for the new v2.7.9c patch, and some thoughts on DF's eighth anniversary!)

❤ DF CONNECTED v2.7.9 is available now!

This patch serves as the definitive version of 2.7, featuring an updated skill system, a redesigned bestiary, a new battle log for PvP, improved pacing, QoL changes, and more!

(Read inside for the full changelog!)

❤ DF CONNECTED v2.7.11 is available now!

This patch adds a new auto-reconnect function for online play, introduces the new-and-improved DF Editor 2.0, and includes many QoL improvements and fixes!

(Read inside for the changelog + new EoS information!)

noelle joined

❤ DONTFORGET - August 2024 Progress Report ❤

(Read inside for a status update on v2.8.0, featuring a closer look at Cyber World, followed by reveals for new enemies, a new vessel, and a new area! A new patch for the game, v2.7.10c, is also out now!)

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

❤ DONTFORGET - October 2024 Mini Status Update ❤

(Read inside for a sneak peek at a new feature for v2.8.0, the changelog for the new v2.7.13 update, and a few words for Deltarune's sixth anniversary!)

❤ DF CONNECTED v2.7.12 is available now!

This patch adds a new notification system, rewritten movement, improvements for auto-reconnect, engine tweaks, a small update for the DF Editor, and more!

(Read inside for the complete changelog!)



❤ DF CONNECTED v2.7.14 is available now!

This patch adds new costumes, new PvP battle themes, new attack patterns for Snowdin enemies, more reliable auto-reconnect, quality-of-life improvements, and more!

(Read inside for the complete changelog!)