7 months ago

Carna Nova (V2) (image unrelated)

!Warning!: experimental, annoying buzzing synth.
also, ending is weird because i didn't know how to end the song.

[plays ambiently on floor -17, 2nd floor of the Meat Market, in a Golden Light fangame im working on]



Next up

rate my setup

Murder of the Second Degree

he's off to do something important

I love sharkss

no stream today.

im... uhh... busy.

@Victoree in the woods.

my epic shopping trip :3

An important note about @FunnyFrendo34 and me.

(Not drama)

They're ready for it now that the winter has gotten to them enough

the VOD channel is finally updated again. Sorry for not uploading everything immediately, I just can't be bothered until like a month.
